60s Timeline

  • John F. Kennedy is Elected as President

    John F. Kennedy is Elected as President
    John F. Kennedy is elected as president in 1960 defeating Richard Nixon.
  • SNCC Formed

    SNCC Formed
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was formed in April 1960 in the wake of student-led sit-ins at segregated lunch counters across the South.
  • First Televised Presidential debate

    First Televised Presidential debate
    The first ever televised presidential debate airs in 1960 with Nixon and Kennedy.
  • First Airing of The Flintstones

    First Airing of The Flintstones
    In 1960 “The Flintstones” air their first episode and later become a very popular show.
  • Russians Send the First Man into Space

    Russians Send the First Man into Space
    The Soviet Union beats the United States in the space race and send the first human into outer space.
  • Berlin Wall is Constructed

    Berlin Wall is Constructed
    In 1961 East and West Germany were completely cut off from each other with the Berlin Wall.
  • Roger Maris Breaks Babe Ruth’s HR Record

    Roger Maris Breaks Babe Ruth’s HR Record
    In 1961 Roger Maris hit home run number 61 on the last game of the season to break Babe Ruth's single-season record
  • SDS Releases its Port Huron Statement

    SDS Releases its Port Huron Statement
    Student activists proposed a new form of “participatory democracy” to rescue modern society from destructive militarism and cultural alienation.
  • Marilyn Monroe Dies

    Marilyn Monroe Dies
    Marilyn Monroe dies in her apartment after an apparent drug overdose.
  • James Meredith Registers at Ole Miss

    James Meredith Registers at Ole Miss
    James Meredith became the first African American student at the University of Mississippi.
  • “Dr. No” the First James Bond Movie Premiers

     “Dr. No” the First James Bond Movie Premiers
    The first of many James Bond movies appear in 1962.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviet Union and the United States came close to a nuclear conflict during the Cold War.
  • Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

    Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech
    Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech took place at the Lincoln Memorial and became one of the most popular speeches for equality.
  • JFK is Assassinated

    JFK is Assassinated
    When driving down a road in Dallas, Texas, JFK was shot and killed.
  • The Beatles Arrive in the United States

    The Beatles Arrive in the United States
    British rock band "The Beatles" arrive in Kennedy Airport in 1964.
  • The Beatles Appear on Ed Sullivan

    The Beatles Appear on Ed Sullivan
    In February of 1964, famous band The Beatles appear on the Ed Sullivan show to perform.
  • New York World’s Fair Begins

    New York World’s Fair Begins
    The first public demonstration of several lighting technologies that became common in the following years.
  • Lyndon B Johnson Defeats Barry Goldwater

    Lyndon B Johnson Defeats Barry Goldwater
    The democratic runner for presidency in 1964 beats republic opponent Barry Goldwater.
  • Malcolm X Assassinated

    Malcolm X Assassinated
    At age 39, Malcolm X, an African American Muslim minister and human rights activist during the civil rights movement, was shot multiple times and died from his wounds in Manhattan, New York City.
  • Watts Race Riots

    Watts Race Riots
    Los Angeles police officer Lee Minikus tried to arrest Marquette Frye for driving drunk in the city's Watts neighborhood, let to a series of riots.
  • San Francisco “Summer of Love” Begins

    San Francisco “Summer of Love” Begins
    Thousands of young people supported a hippie movement and branched away from social norms.
  • First NFL Super Bowl

    First NFL Super Bowl
    The first NFL Superbowl takes place in 1967 in Los Angeles, where the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs.
  • Beatles Release Sgt. Pepper’s Album

    Beatles Release Sgt. Pepper’s Album
    The Beatles released their eighth studio album in spring of 1967.
  • Thurgood Marshall Nominated to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall Nominated to the Supreme Court
    President Lyndon B. Johnson nominated civil rights lawyer Thurgood Marshall to be the first African American justice to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • Boxer Muhammed Ali Refuses Military Service

    Boxer Muhammed Ali Refuses Military Service
    Due to religious beliefs Muhammad Ali refuses military service in 1967.
  • LSD Declared Illegal

    LSD Declared Illegal
    The US declares LSD illegal in 1968 as it was viewed as a cultural threat.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive were coordinated attacks by the North Vietnamese armies during the 1968 Vietnam War.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated on the second-floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in 1968.
  • Robert Kennedy is Assassinated

    Robert Kennedy is Assassinated
    After addressing campaign supporters Robert Kennedy walks out of room and is shot multiple times.
  • Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention

    Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
    The 1968 Democratic National Convention protests were a series of protests against Americas’ involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • Richard Nixon is Elected as President

    Richard Nixon is Elected as President
    Nixon runs for president again and this time is elected in 1968 barely defeating Hubert Humphrey.
  • “Star Trek” TV Show Airs

    “Star Trek” TV Show Airs
    Summer of 1969 the first episodes of “Star Trek” are released on Paramount TV.
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    Riots to right for the rights of the LGBTQ community.
  • American Astronauts Land on the Moon

    American Astronauts Land on the Moon
    On July 20th in 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon.
  • Woodstock Concert

    Woodstock Concert
    Three day long music festival meant to be peaceful but ended in violence.
  • The Rolling Stones at Music Festival

    The Rolling Stones at Music Festival
    The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival in December of 1969.