6.3 Activity

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    Unhealthy behaviors always come with bad consequences. First, risky behaviors include “• smoking • taking drugs • driving dangerously • drinking alcohol • unprotected and/or underage sex • criminal activities.” (Hilliard City Schools). A majority of these can end in illness and injury and even death.
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    Some good ways to prevent these is to think about your decision, “thinking through consequences: both positive and negative, short term and long term.” (Hilliard City Schools). The decision making part, along with other parts of the brain are not developed completely in a teens brain. Preparing to stand up for yourself and refuse bad things such as alcohol is also beneficial to preventing these consequences.
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    Someone I know engaged in an unhealthy behavior, which was dangerous driving. He went 65 miles an hour in a school zone, putting himself and many others in danger. He was then pulled over and given points on his license. Had he