6.2 Learning Assessment

  • Access to health care

    Access to comprehensive, quality health care services is important
    for the achievement of health equity and for increasing
    the quality of a healthy life for everyone(6.2 pg 5).Access to health services means the timely use of personal health services to achieve the best health outcomes. It requires 3 steps.
    1: Gain entry into health care system.
    2:Accessing a health care location where needed services are
    3:Finding a healthcare provider with whom the patient can
    communicate and trust.
  • Access to Health impacts

    Overall physical, social, and mental health status
    • Prevention of disease and disability
    • Detection and treatment of health conditions
    • Quality of life
    • Preventable death
    • Life expectancy
    (6.2 pg 6)
    Limited access to health care impacts people's ability
    to reach their full potential, negatively affecting their quality
    of life. Barriers to services include, high cost, limited availability, and lack of insurance covered
  • Coverage in Insurance

    Health insurance coverage helps patients get into the health
    care system. Uninsured people are:
    • Less likely to receive medical care
    • More likely to die early
    • More likely to have poor health status
    Lack of adequate coverage makes it difficult for people to get
    the health care they need and, when they do get care, burdens
    them with large medical bills(6.2 pg 6).
  • Example

    I haven't really heard of someone in my life having problem with healthcare but it seems to be a major problem and that is one of the problems Obama had tried to fix with Obama care, He had tried to put all the factors of low cost and the coverage of the insurance but overall it didn't seem to work out. That's why we need to new insurance plan to help the people who can not afford insurance.