Benjamin franklin

Ben Franklin Project and the Register Citizen

  • Ben Franklin Project announced

    John Paton, CEO of the Journal Register Company, announces the start of the Ben Franklin Project on his blog (click here to read the post) and asks for volunteers to take on the first leg of the project.
  • Jeff Jarvis gives his thoughts on the new Ben Franklin Project

    Jeff Jarvis posts on his blog, BuzzMachine, his thoughts on the idea of the Ben Franklin project. Click here to read the blog post.
  • The search for free tools begins

    A call for free web-based tools is put on the Ben Franklin Project blog to begin developing a list of available tools and websites for participating papers. Click here to read the post.
  • The Ben Franklin Project officially starts

    The News-Herald in Ohio and Montgomery Media in Pennsylvania are announced on John Paton's blog as the pilot offices to test the Ben Franklin Project. Click here to read the post.
  • A town hall meeting is held in Pa. to get community input

    The News-Herald holds a town hall-style meeting to introduce people to the Ben Franklin concept and get community input. The meeting is live streamed online.
  • Montgomery Media launches Ben Franklin website

    Montgomery Media launches a website,, to publish an online edition created solely with free tools.
  • The first leg of the Ben Franklin Project is declared a success

    A day before the goal, the Ben Franklin Project is declared a success by John Paton on his blog (click here to read) and by Vice President of Content Jon Cooper on the Ben Franklin blog (click here to read).
  • Ben Franklin 2.0 begins

    Following the success of the original Ben Franklin Project, John Paton puts the call out to all 18 JRC dailies to "declare independence" from the old ways and put out an edition on July 4 created only with free web-based tools and encouraging community involvement. Click here to read the post.
  • The Register Citizen opens a Ben Franklin dialogue

    The Register Citizen starts a blog,, to share information and encourage readers to share thoughts on the Ben Franklin process.
  • Fact checking is introduced on

    The Register Citizen creates a fact check form and encourages readers to submit any information they believe needs to be added to a story or double-checked. Click here to read about the process.
  • A live community chat is held on

    A live chat is hosted on the Register Citizen to talk with readers about the Ben Franklin Project and what it means, and get community feedback.