History of Special Education - K505/mpv

  • First hospital for people with mental disabilities - Virgina

  • Period: to

    History of Special Education - K505/ mpv

  • Thomas Gallaunte

    Gallaudet started an asylum for the deaf
  • Medical Offices

    Association of Medical Offices of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feebleminded persons
  • Helen Keller was born

    Helen Keller was born
    Helen did not let the challenge of being deaf and visually impaired keep her from communicating with others, advancing to college, teaching others to sign/ communicate and pioneer the road to teaching those with disabilities
  • First special education class - Rhode Island

  • Alfred Binet

    Alfred Binet
    Binet identified "slow" or "retarded" children and developed an IQ assessment. It was later modified by Stanford University to become the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    This act was in response to WWI soldiers with disabilities.
  • Special Education enrollment

    approximately 34,000 students with disabilities enrolled in special education
  • FDR

    32nd President is affected by Polio infection in childhood. His use of a wheel chair was known by few, as he was famous for his radio "Fireside Chats".
  • Kennedy

    President Kenney recognized mental retardation as an issue of national signicance. His sister was diagnosed with mental retardation and spent most of her life in an instituion.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    A federal law to guarantee education to all disabled children and prohibits discrimination.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    Americans with Disability Act was also established this year. (ADA).
  • Reauthorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    No Child Left Behind
  • 1900's movement

    Mental deficiency was deemed hereditary, starting a movement to lock up "idiots" and "imbecils" to eliminate "defectives" from reproducing.