Extra Credit Timeline!

By marice
  • May 14, 1225

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta is reissued and sort of modified when Henry III comes of age; in the version which becomes enshrined in English law!
  • Aug 17, 1453

    Mehmed II

    In 1453 Constantinople falls to a 21-year-old Muslim conqueror, who was named Mehmed II, bringing the Ottoman Turks their capital city!
  • Nov 2, 1492

    Columbus sails West!

    Christopher Columbus, and the brothers Martin and Vicente Pinzón, sailed west from Palos in Spain and after sailing for five weeks from the Canaries, Columbus and the Pinzón brothers step right into the Bahamas
  • Mayflower

    The Pilgrims on the Mayflower finally picked a place for their settlement, and they gave it the name of "Plymouth," their port of departure in England
  • English Bill of rights!

    Parliament in Westminster made the restrictive Bill of Rights and it was the condition on which William III and Mary II are crowned king and queen.
  • Declaration of Independence for the United States!

    Thomas Jefferson's writings' for the Declaration of Independence is accepted by the Congress in Philadelphia in 1776 and John Hancock is the very first delegate to sign the Declaration of Independence, formally written out on a huge sheet of parchment.
  • Ratification of the US Constitution

    The Delegates met in Philadelphia and agreed a final draft for the US consitution, to be submitted to the states for ratification!
  • The start of French Revolution!

    The Third Estate soon declared itself a "National Assembly" that was for the people. This new National Assembly showed its desire to include the other two Estates in its deliberations but also made it clear that it was determined to move forward without them.
  • Napoleon declared an Emperor!

    Napoleon demanded that France declared war on the Austrian emperor, and this was an event that plunged Europe into more than 20 years of conflict!
  • Battle of Waterloo!

    The English and Prussian generals Wellington and Blücher defeated Napoleon in a very closely fought battle at Waterloo!
  • US Civil War

    It started in 1860 when Lincoln became the Republican presidential candidate, benefiting from a Democratic party split on the issue/topic of slavery. Then in 1861 shots are fired against the Federal military in Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbour, which created the US Civil War!
  • First man's powered flight!

    First man's powered flight!
    The first man to have an successful powered flight was, Orville Wright, he traveled 40 yards in the first successful powered flight, at Kitty Hawk in North Carolina!
  • Mexico Revolution

    This revolution began in Mexico that will last for ten years before being resolved.
  • WWI-Assasinatoin of Franz Ferdinand

    -1914,Archduke Franz Ferdinand, came to the Austro-Hungarian throne,and is assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip!
  • The first car!

    The British manufactured Herbert Austin and launches Britain's first car for the very popular market, the Austin Seven or "Baby Austin"
  • End of emperor-China

    The leader of a peasant uprising captures and kills the Chinese emperor, which brought to an end the T'ang dynasty.