By buddy
  • her real name

    her real name
    When she was born her mom named her Annelise Frank. This was her real name but people called her Anne.

    this is the day that anne frank was born. She was only 15 when she died at a concentration camp.
  • Anne Franks childhood- the year Hitler came to power

    Anne Franks childhood- the year Hitler came to power
    This was the day that Hitlor came into power in Germany. Anne and her famiy was locked up in an attic until the war between the Jewish people and the Nazis people was over.
  • Period: to

    the years Hitlor was in power

  • What happened in her life

    This is when the Germans occupied Amsterdam

    This was the year that Anne Frank got her diary from her sister Margot as a present.
  • The Home and The Prison of Anne Frank

    The Home and The Prison of Anne Frank
    This was where Anne Frank was hidden until the holocoust was over. This is where she met her crush. His name was Peter.
  • When Anne Franks hiding place was found

    When Anne Franks hiding place was found
    This was the year and day that anne franks hiding place was found from a german police from a dutch caller
  • Bergin-Belson

    This was the concentration camp that Anne Frank and her sister Margot Frank were put to.
  • The Month and year that Anne Frank and Margot were put in camp

    They were put in a camp in that October at Begin Belson concentration camp.
  • Death Date of Anne Frank- March 1945 at the age of 15

    Death Date of Anne Frank- March 1945 at the age of 15
    this was the year that Anne Frank died. She died shortley aftere her sister Margot. They both died in a concentration camp. The name of the concentration camp was Begin-Benson