John Dewey
Dewey 1859-1952 was known for his progressive thoughts on education. He believed that students should be active participants in the classroom and learning was not accomplished through lectures alone. He believed that students should be given the opportunity to learn through real-life experiences and therefore become better contributors in society. Any type of technological application that would allow a students to get hands-on experience such as informative websites would be aligned with Dewey. -
Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky 1896-1934 believed that student's learned best through social interaction through their peers as well as their elders (who know more). He introduced the "zone of proximal development" and also believed that a student's culture highly influenced his or her learning development. A technology learning tool that can be associated with Vygotsky is wiki as it allows student's to collaborate together and help scaffold each other's learning. -
Jerome Bruner
Like Piaget, Bruner believes that student's learn through cognitive stages of development. He more specifically, however, focuses on three stages. These stages included: Enactive Stage, Iconic Stage, and Symbolic Stage. As described by Bruner, he believes that technology should be incorporated in schools in order to create exciting learning enviroments. He also believes that students should use technology in a coopertaive setting to solve real-world problems. An example would using websquest. -
First Computer Used For Instruction
Computer-driven flight simulator trains MIT pilots. -
B.F. Skinner
Skinner 1904-1990 began the teaching-machine movement and programmed learning. He believed that students behaviors can be shaped through "contingencies of reinforcement"; meaning if you reinforce positive/negative behavior student's own behaviors can be programmed. A technology tool that would be appropriate under his beliefs would be one that immediately determined if a student's response was correct and incorrect. An example would be a website where students can play educational games. -
First Computer Used With School Children
IBM 650 computer teaches binary arithmetic in NYC. -
University Time-Sharing Systems
Faculty/students in universities across the country use mainframe systems for prgramming and shared utilities. -
Robert Gagne
Gagne created a nine-step process called the events of instruction, which correlate to and address the conditions of learning. It was based on the information processing model of mental events that occur when adults are presented with various stimuli. Because Gagne's nine step process includes steps such as "Gain Attntion" and "Elicit Performance (practice)", a good technology tool that can be applied for students is a virtual disection in a science class. -
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) Movement Emerges
Large-scale federally funded university projects use mainframe/minicomputer systems with schools. -
The first email was sent over the internet in 1972 -
Mainframe and Minicomputer Applications Domiante Field
Schools begin using computers for instruction and administration CDC President William Norris (1977) ammpimces PLATO will revolutionize instruction. -
First Micomputers Enter Schools
Using desktop systems, classroom teachers begin to take back control of instructional and administrative applications from distric data-processing offices. -
CAI Movement Declines; Computer Literacy Movement Begins
Arthur Luehrmann coins term "computer literacy" for skills in programming and using software tools (e.g., word processing) Molnar (1978) warns that non-computer literate students will be educationally disadvantaged. -
Microcomputer Applications Spawn Movements
Field focuses on software publishing initiatives and teacher authoring software. The computer literacy computers-as-tools approach gives way to Logo's computer-based, problem-solving approach. -
Jean Piaget
Piaget 1896-1980, was known for his theory of cognitive development. He believed that childeren's thinking evolves during various stages in their life (18 months, 7 years and 11 or 12 years). He is known for believing that children adapt to the world through assimilation and accomodation. A television can be a good technology tool that a teacher can use in response to Piaget's theory as they can help student's view step-by-step instructional dvds at different age groups. -
Integrated Learning Systems (ILSs) emerge
Schools begin to see ILS networked systems as cost-effective solutions for instruction to address required standards;markds movement away from stand-alone systems and toward central server with connected computers. -
Howard Gardner
Gardner is known for his theory on mutiple-interlligencies. He believes that each students learns best through a specific intelligence or skill that they feel most comfortable with. This intelligence can include be a linguistic learner, a visual learner or a spatial learner. He believes that technology should be used in the classroom to help learning as long as it is effective. Technology used can be based on the student's best way to learn whether it be audio (radio) or visual (cmputer), etc. -
World Wide Web (WWW) Is Born
First browser (Mosaic) transforms a formerly text-based Internet into a combination of text and graphics. Teachers enter the "information Superhighway". -
International Society For Technology In Education (ISTE) Creates Standards
ISTE sponsors creation of national Educational TEchnology Standards (NETS) to guide technology skills, first for students, then for teachers and administrators. -
Internet Use Explodes
Online and distance learning increases in higher education, then in K-12 schools. -
International Society For Technology In Education (ISTE)
Issues new, updated standards for teachers, students, and administrators. -
Technology In Today's Classroom
-Continues to keep advancing
-Continues to be used as a helpful educational tool to teach students
-Is unfortunately not always used