Gulf Oil Spill

  • Drilling Rig exploded

  • Period: to

    Gulf Oil Spill

  • Coast Guards search for 11 missing workers

  • Rig sinks, President gets involved, chemicals to stop oil spill are ready

  • Rig found upside down, no leak found.

  • Leak found

  • Oil leak gushing out 1000 barrels a day

  • Plans to stop leak unsuccessful

  • 49 response vehicles and 2 relief wells are sent out

  • Another leak is discovered

  • Many experts getting involved, spill getting worse

  • Obama sends many officials such as Napolitano and Salazar to Gulf Coast

  • Napolitano meets up with coast guard

  • Obama visits oil spill, 30 vessels sent out

  • Oil reaching Alabama and Florida coasts

  • Wondering if oil spill is such a big deal.....

  • One of three leaks successfully plugged

  • Oil is found on the beach at Chandeleur Islands, and another controlled burn is started.

  • NOAA make the fishing restrictions even larger.

  • The U.S. Geological Survey Oil Response Team takes action.

  • Workers use snare boom to collect tarballs on the island.

  • Navy gets involved.

  • Military and navy doing everything they can to help out.

  • BP's "Top Hat" is placed over leak.

  • BP inserting another pipe to redirect oil.

  • DOD aircraft letting chemicals into air to get rid of oil.

  • BP digs relief well.

  • Tube capturing some oil, but not a lot.

  • Relief well still being built.

  • Oil reaches Loop Current.

  • Controlled burns continue.

  • People demanding that BP uses less chemicals, for they are killing even more animals.

  • Federal officials talk to BP.

  • Federal scientists, BP and engineers have a meeting.

  • Doing everything they can to protect Lousiana.

  • Fishery Distaster because of BP.

  • Fishing resrictions expanded again.....

  • Oil getting worse.

  • BP trying to fill leak with mud and concrete???????