Baby is boren
Intelectul Toddler at 13-15 months
The toddler beins to form concepts aiso the toddler notes the actions of other children and adoults, but they love tp micmic all the action people do as will as childre. -
Physical Toddler at 13-15 months
May stand alone without support for a short peraod of time. also the toddler may walk holding the parents hands. althue hamd inporve for exsampel the toddler may grasping skill, beilds small towersof blocks, and the toddler can use amspoon spilling little. -
Physicl Toddler at 16-18 months
At 16-18 months the toddler starts to laren how to walk sadeways , and can walk fast and run. the toddler can walk to a ball, but wont be abel to kiek the ball. the toddler will be ablie to ump with both feet, and will inprove throwing skills , -
Intelectuls of a toddler at 16-18 months
At 16-18 months the toddler is inquisitive about evrything,remembers wher thing go being sto figure out things useing a process, has a shoter attention spen, and enjoys to work with shapes on board.
Voucbulary increases to sex to ten words, imitates simple sond on requestsay no more often then other words responds to childern tv shows,has a beter understening of wordsand identifes objects by pointing at it. -
Intelectuls of a toddler at 19-21 months
the toddler progresses form of imagnetion,complets puzzels of to or there pieces, and the toddler has a vocabulery of 20 word per sentens -
Physicl Toddler at 19-21 months
the toddler can walk sideways, backward, run with out falling often, walk up and down, loves to run, jumpe, climb, and hangs for bar with hands. also toddlerscan kick largeballwithout stepping on it. -
Physicl Toddler at 22-24 months
the toddler walks coordinstion, side ways,, and backwoerd.
also the toddler smooth hand move menat can thow a ball and juppe off the forl with both feet. -
Intelectuls of a toddler at 22-24 months
the toddler begins in interested in the outcome of activets, precise plancementof objectshas a vocabulary of 50 word per santsen,aks for things in sipole word. -
Physicl Toddler at 24-30 months
the toddler baby fat begns to disappereaer,enjoys runing, plays on sawing and other play gronds, opens doors can remove candy raper. -
Intelectuls of a toddler at 24-30 months
toddler become more intersested in childer tv shows,better able to plan a play activety,vocabulery is up to 200 or 500 words use two words sentences. -
Intelectuls of a toddler at 30-35 months
begins to claasfy objerts into general categories, become skill ful in puzzels, reading books and wathing tv, vocbulery 500 word and increas 600 or 1000 in this perode. -
Physicl Toddler at 30-36 months
likes to be in constanyt moton ,runing or walking sideways and backward, gouse up staers and dowen a foot at a time, turns doorknob with gerat streagth and liks to pint useing holl arm moetion -
socual at age 4
form friend ships with their playmaets, spendmore time in cooperative play, play in groups of there four sharing toys and taking turns, bossy and inconsiderte. -
physcil age 4
jumps up and down in place with both feet, catches a ball with arms staight , rides a tricle, stacks nine or ten blocks, screws lids on and off conrainerrs, also drwes circel horizonto and vertical lines. -
Emotional age 4
The child leranto be coopererative and consierate, more physically capable so less frustratred, more willing to take dircetion form other, modifies behavior to win praise and acceptance. -
physcil age 5
Turns somersaults, skipi with alternating feet, balances on each foot for short period, can drawe a person with head, body, arms , and legs. also prent some letters, buttons clothing, copies a triangle and a square, uses spoon and fork to eat, but still uses fingers for some foods. -
Emotional 5 years old
Vews him of her silf as a whol person , with a body, miend, and feelings. is eager to expler the outer world , but may be fearful of unfamilar people, places, experiences. emotionally impulsive- want to get up and walk around anytime they wish. strangeness is a fear when they go to kindergarten----strange people, strange places. also has empathy for others. -
Social 5 years old
is very outgoing and talkative, can play in groups of five or six, play is complex, figths break out less frequentl. quarreling results in name-calling and wild treats. develop more respect for others` belongings. socail acceptance from peers becomes more important. concerned about what friends say and do. do`s not want to be thought different;they fear ridicule. -
Physcil 6 years old
Can ride a two-whheel bicycle with training wheels, jumps rope, thrws and catches and a ball more ease and accuracy (also requires fine motor skills and good h hand-eye coordination)cuts, pastes and colors skillfully writes entire words, can alos ties shoes. -
Emotional 6 years-old
Period of emotional turmoil, crave praise and approval, easily and disturbed, often studdorn and andquarrelsome, at their worst with their own parent, resent being given directions, and their first response is likely to be "no!"experience rapid mood changes,beginning to feel a deep feeling of happiness and joy, to appreciantion of more activities, acn enjoy music or danec lessons and organized sports. -
Social characteristics 6 years-old
socil relation are characterized by frictions, threasts and stubbornness. wnats everything, and want to do things their way, friends are usually of the samoe sex, but pley readily in mixed groups, enjoy group and organized teams, when they trie of play, they simply drop[ out of a game, and has on regard for team gffert.