Toddler Timeline

  • Birth

  • 13 to 15 months

    13 to 15 months
    *.Congnitive Development *Explores different features of objects begins to form concepts * short memory * shows interest any textures by rubbing finger over suface
  • 13 to 15 months

    13 to 15 months
    Physical Development
    *Able to roll a ball.
    *Start pushing boxes.
    *Try to scoot up stairs or climb off a coffee table.
    *Supports body may stand alone for a short time and
    crawls and build small towers with blocks.
    Teaching a child to walk safely
  • 16 to 18 months

    16 to 18 months
    *Physical Development
    *Grabs anything works on jigsaw puzzles with one to two pieces
    *Begin to scribble
    *Adds gestures to spoken language
    *Shows hand preference
    *Squats down smoothly from standing position.
  • 16 to 18 months

    16 to 18 months
    Cognitive Development
    *remembers where objects belong
    *enjoys working with shapes on foam board
    *identifies simple pictures and book such as balls doggie and so

  • 19 to 21 months

    19 to 21 months
    Cognitive Development
    *simple imitation and imaginative play
    *likes to make marks on paper with big crayons
    *places circles.triangles,and squares in form board
  • 19 to 21 months

    19 to  21 months
    Physical Development
    *Walks down the stairs with help
    *loves to run,jump,climb
    * can kick large balls without stepping on them
    * Squats easily when play
  • 22 to 24 months

    22 to 24 months
    Physical Development
    *Walks side ways and backwards
    *jumps with both feet off the floor
    *can throw ball into basket
    *throws ball over hand instead of tossing
    *by the age of two should reach half of its adult height.
  • 22 to 24 months

    22 to 24 months
    Cognitive Development
    *curious about objects in envirnment and feels squezes, pulls,
    and pushes objects.
    *recognizes pictures when a book is upside down
    *can speak one to two words or phrases.
    *distinguishes between vertical and horizontal lines
    *enjoys learning names of items.
    Books a toddler might enjoy
  • 24 to 30 months

    24 to 30 months
    Cognitive Development
    *understands cause and effect towards behavior
    *enjoys plaing house and imitating family situations
    * solves problems by imitating past actions
    *likes to imitate drawings of older children
    *can start to teach them to go to the restroom
    Tips for potty training
  • 24 to 30 months

    24 to 30 months
    Physical Development
    *climbs everywhere such as indoors,and forbidden places
    *plays on swings,ladders,and other playground equipment
    *kick ball forward
    *enjoys running,but not able to measure certain sudden
  • 30 to 36 months

    30 to 36 months
    Physical Development
    *enjoys games involving running
    *jumps from any elevating object and sometimes
    miscalculating height
    *walks on tip-toes
    *Ca chew most foods such as meats and tough foods.
    *posture of three year old id better.
    *sits in adult chairs
  • 30 to 36 months

    30 to 36 months
    Cognitive Development
    *becomes more skilled putting puzzles together
    *can stack rings in the correct order
    *recognizes self in photographs
    *curiosity in reading books ansd watching t.v
    Cognitive activites
  • 4 year Old Activity

    4 year Old Activity
    *Hop Potatoe- You pass a fake potatoe and when the music is over who ever has it is out (keeps on going)
  • Physical Development (4 years old)

    Physical Development (4 years old)
    Physical Development *• Walks heel-to-toe
    • Skips clumsily
    • Runs easily
    • Walks downstairs by alternating feet
    • Hops on one foot
    • Balances on one foot for five or more seconds
    • Catches ball thrown at five feet
    • Climbs a small jungle gym
    *Able to ride a tricycle
  • Social Development (4 years old)

    Social Development (4 years old)
    Social development *Form friends with there playmates
    *Spend more time in cooperative play
    *Play in groups of three to four and sharing toys and taking turns
    *Family is still more important than friends
  • Emotional Development (4 years old)

    Emotional Development (4 years old)
    Emotional Development *Test out the sound on words
    *Active imagination leads to fear
    *Wants to see him/herself as separate from parents
    *Can be definite,impacient,loud,bossy with other children and adults
  • Physical Development (5 Year old)

    Physical Development (5 Year old)
    Physical Development Walks backward with heel-toe pattern
    • Hops
    • Balances on alternate feet with eyes closed
    • Uses hands more than arms to catch a ball
    • Jumps down three or four steps
    • Jumps rope
    • May roller skate
  • Emotional Development (5 Year old)

    Emotional Development (5 Year old)
    Emotional Development *Views Himself/Herself as a whole person with a body mind and feelings
    *Eager to explore the outer world but may be fearful of unfamilar peoples places and experinces
    *emotionally impulsive- want to get up and walk around anytime the wish.
  • Social Dvelopment (5 years old)

    Social Dvelopment (5 years old)
    Social Development *Form friendships with their playmates
    *Spend more time in cooperative play
    *Play in groups of three or four sharing toys and taking turns
    *Bossy and inconsiderate, so fights may break out
    *Family is still more important than friends
    *Constantly seek approval
    *If things go wrong, they look to parents and cargivers for comfort
  • 5 Year old activity

    5 Year old activity
    Activity *Cotton Ball Caper - Put one handful of cotton balls in a bowl put the bowl at one end of the floor mat rub the vaseline on your nose then with your nose put it in the bowl with the cotton balla try to get as many cotton balls as possible with yor nose.
  • 6 Year Old

    6 Year Old
    Social Development *Social relations are characterized by frictions.threats and stubborness
    *Want everything,and want to things their own way.
    *Enjoy groups and organized teams.
    *Have no regard for team effort.
  • 6 year old Physical Development

    6 year old Physical Development
    Physical Devlopment *Standa on foot with eyes closed
    *Walks on line in heel-toe fashion
    *Rides bicyle without training wheels.
  • 6 Year old Activity

    6 Year old Activity
    Activity *Finger Painting
    *Sign up for any sports