Kennedy Assassination

  • Kennedy arrives in Texas

    Kennedy arrives in Texas
    Crowds gathered in Dallas as President Kennedy arrived from the airport.
  • Kennedy is shot

    Kennedy is shot
    As the motorcade moved through the downtown area, shots rang out. Kennedy slumped over, fatally wounded.
  • Johnson becomes President

    Johnson becomes President
    Within hours of President Kennedy's death, Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as President.
  • America mourns President

    America mourns President
    Over the next few days, Americans mourned the loss of their president. Millions watched the funeral on TV. Many felt that Kennedy's assassination had also killed something in them.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested

    Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested
    Within hours of the shooting, Dallas police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald as a suspect. Two days later,he was shot to death, leading people to question whether he acted alone.
  • Johnson called on Warren Commission to investigate

    Johnson called on Warren Commission to investigate
    To end Speculation, President Johnson had the Warren Commission investigate the assassination. They spent 10 months reviewing the evidence, coming to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone in killing President Kennedy.