I have been loved by my family siince I was born. I love how my family cares and helps me when i need help and when i get hurt they cae and help me. My family also loves me by me helping them when they need my help and i try my best to help them when they do. My family are also my role models because they have good care and help people with everything and i love that about my family. My family is sometimes crazy but they are really nice people and i love them soo much. -
I started to hear music since I was little and I've always liked to dance to mexican music but I was to shy but if i was alone i would dance. Now that i hear music like alot I dance to it and im happy even though im not a good dancer. Music helps me be stronger when im sad or mad it helps me because it could make me feel better. Dancing songs make me want to dance. -
One Direction
One Direction is the best boy band ever. They became a band in July 23rd 2010. I was a fan ever since that day I love them they have good music and they are funny,nice, sweet boys. My favorite is Harry Styles his real name is Harold Eward Styles. I like him because he is a sweet good looking boy and has a nice and great personalility. They are one of my role models because they never gave up on there dreams on singing and after they won 3rd place in Xfactor they have made there dreams. -
Infinity sign
Toy story has really taught me to be infity and beyond. I have been trying to be beyind in shool and keeo trying because that quote is very good because it could in courage you to be beyond in the things you want to be. I like helps me because it kinda means that you could be beyond in anything you do even if you try. Toy story has a good meaning to and I just have noticed that now because "To Infity and beyond". -
I have loved disney since I was little because they are all awesome movies and some movies could be helpful. Like my favorite princess is Jasmie because she doesn't want to be treated like a princess and all special and just wants to be treated normal like the other people in her kingdom and not treat her different becaise she's just the princess. This could also help because the people that are different and famous they just want to be treated normal like us because they are peple too.