Moving to Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia
My dad got a job with Saudi Aramco and left for Saudi to do work. We went to join him after half a year. It forced me to change how I speak, how I dress in public, and many more things. -
Getting introduced to anime and Vocaloid
Being introduced to anime and Vocaloid changed my interests and the friends I make and hang around. The music I listen to is all influenced by those two. A year later, I tried to explore other types of music, and found that I liked East Asian music best. -
Moving to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
We moved to Dhahran from RT, and it was quite a change. RT is smaller in size than Dhahran, so I had to get used to being around so many people and living in a bigger camp. In a way it got me a little bit more used to being around a lot of strangers. -
Losing my younger sister
My youngest sister died because of a very bad sickness she had, and it changed a lot of things my family did. We started to be more grateful of each other and the things we have, and we make the effort to spend time with each other often. it was an unfortunate event, especially because of the fact that we lost her on the day after my birthday. -
Coming back to Malaysia
Since I got accepted into Nexus International School, I had to come back to Malaysia. My parents and my sisters went back to Saudi, and we try to keep in touch even though we're in different timezones.