
  • Prompt

    PROMPT: Including at least 3-4 cited references to the reading, discuss the role of the individual responsibility for enhancing health. Then, discuss a specific time in which you or someone you know personally demonstrated healthy practices and behaviors while demonstrating behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.
  • Individual Responsibilty for Good Health

    As it is our body, the choices that we decide to make lead to how our body is and our overall health. Although the book did say that “It’s true that heart disease, stroke and some kinds of cancer tend to occur more often in people who have a family history of the disease" (3), our own decisions add almost just as much as our heredity. If we decide to make poor decisions, then we in return will have poor health. It is super important for individuals to make healthy choices.
  • What Type of Healthy Things Should We Do?

    The book said that one great way to help lead a healthy life is through exercise. The book talked about how even taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great way to get a physical workout. We always drive everywhere, and have access to so many things that prevent us from exercising. Even riding a stationary bike while watching tv is a great way to allow us to be healthy. Exercising is one way that allows us to lead a healthier life style.
  • Another Way to Increase Health

    Another way that the book talked about was making sure that we are eating and filling our bodies with healthy foods and staying hydrated. The book recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water to fuel our bodies with the healthy foods that it needs. Giving our body healthy foods will allow it to function properly and effectively, and it will also allow us to partake in more activities to allow us to have healthier lifestyles.
  • A Real Life Example

    Someone that I know that reduces risk factors and lives a healthy life is my cousin. She loves to run, and is always fueling herself with good foods and stays away from people involved in bad things. She drinks lots of water, snacks on a variety of vegetables and fruits, and is careful not to be involved in poor choices and groups of people. Through all her decisions and healthy habits, my cousin is able to run a lot, stay in shape, and reduce risk factors not involved with her heredity.