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  • Juan de Onate expedition

    Juan de Onate expedition
    Thanksgiving is held near present-day El Paso by Juan de Oñate, the members of his expedition and natives of the region.
  • Period: to

    Texas History

  • Rene-Robert Sieur de La Salle expedition

    Rene-Robert Sieur de La Salle expedition
    French explorer Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, looking for the mouth of the Mississippi River, lands in Texas by mistake. He establishes a colony, Fort St. Louis, on Garcitas Creek in present-day Victoria County.
  • La Salle's death

    La Salle's death
    La Salle is killed by several of his own men at an unknown East Texas location
  • Disease

    Colonists at Fort St. Louis not felled by Indians, disease, poisonous snakes and malnutrition are finished off by Karankawa Indians.
  • Spanish Gen. Alonso de León's expedition

    Spanish Gen. Alonso de León's expedition
    • Spanish Gen. Alonso de León's expedition finds the remains of Fort St. Louis. Fearing French intentions to lay claim to Spanish territory, the Spanish begin establishing missions and settlements in East Texas.
  • San Antonio de Valero mission

    San Antonio de Valero mission
    San Antonio de Valero mission, known as the Alamo was the chapel, is founded in San Antonio.
  • Santa Cruz de San Sabá mission

    Santa Cruz de San Sabá mission
    Santa Cruz de San Sabá mission near present-day Menard destroyed and eight residents killed by Comanches and their allies.
  • Spanish troops on a retaliatory raid

     Spanish troops on a retaliatory raid
    Spanish troops on a retaliatory raid are defeated by Indian residents of a large encampment at Spanish Fort in present-day Montague County.
  • Texas' first recorded hurricane

    Texas' first recorded hurricane
    • Texas' first recorded hurricane strikes near Galveston.
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costillo

    Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costillo
    Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costillo and several hundred of his parishioners seize the prison at Dolores, Mexico, beginning Mexico's struggle for independence from Spain.
  • Gutierrez-Magee Expedition

    Gutierrez-Magee Expedition
    About 130-men strong, the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition crossed the Sabine from Louisiana in a rebel movement against Spanish rule in Texas.
  • Spanish government grants Moses Austin permission

    Spanish government grants Moses Austin permission
    Spanish government grants Moses Austin permission to establish a colony of Anglo-Americans in the Texas area. When he dies the following June, his son, Stephen F. Austin, receives authority to continue the colonizing effort.
  • 1818 September 12 hurricane

    1818 September 12 hurricane
    A hurricane wrecks the fleet of pirate Jean Lafitte in Galveston
  • Mexico gains independence

     Mexico gains independence
    Mexico gains independence from Spain.
  • Jane Long gives birth to the first Anglo child born in Texas

    Jane Long gives birth to the first Anglo child born in Texas
    Jane Long gives birth to the first Anglo child born in Texas, a girl named Mary James.
  • Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the Mexican government

    Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the Mexican government
    Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the Mexican government and began colonization in the region of the Brazos River. Mexican officials approve Austin's plan to bring three hundred families into his colony. This group becomes known as the "Old Three Hundred."
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence of the republic of Fredonia is signed at Nacogdoches.
  • Fredonian Rebellion

     Fredonian Rebellion
    This so-called Fredonian Rebellion is an attempt by empresario Haden Edwards to separate his colony from Mexico. The rebels flee when approached by Mexican troops.
  • Mexican government stops legal immigration into Texas

    Mexican government stops legal immigration into Texas
    Mexican government stops legal immigration into Texas from the United States
  • First bloodshed of the Texas Revolution

    First bloodshed of the Texas Revolution
    First bloodshed of the Texas Revolution takes place at Velasco when Texans, transporting a cannon from Brazoria to Anahuac, are challenged by Mexican forces at Velasco. The Mexicans surrender on June 29.
  • Mexican troops attempt to retrieve a cannon

    Mexican troops attempt to retrieve a cannon
    Mexican troops attempt to retrieve a cannon that had been given to Gonzales colonists for protection from Indian attack. The skirmish that ensues as Gonzales residents dare the Mexicans to "come and take it" is considered the opening battle of the Texas Revolution.
  • Gail Borden begins publishing the newspaper

     Gail Borden begins publishing the newspaper
    Gail Borden begins publishing the newspaper "Telegraph and Texas Register" at San Felipe de Austin.
  • A "consultation" convenes at San Felipe

     A "consultation" convenes at San Felipe
    -A "consultation" convenes at San Felipe
  • the delegates agree to establish a provisional government.

    the delegates agree to establish a provisional government.
    the delegates agree to establish a provisional government.
  • Texas Rangers organization

    Texas Rangers organization
    The Texas Rangers organization is officially established by Texas' provisional government. Although Stephen F. Austin had hired 10 frontiersmen as "rangers" to help protect his colonists against Indian raids in 1823, not until 1835 was the law-enforcement group formally organized.