Mar 19, 1200
Italian murchans who reached china
Mar 19, 1400
Ships werent strong enough to make a long ocean voyage
Mar 19, 1419
Prince Henry founded a school for navigators
Mar 19, 1450
Ship builders began to build a new ship
Mar 19, 1453
Ottaman turks conqured the city of constanopa
Mar 19, 1460
Prince Henry died
Mar 19, 1488
A sailer named Bartolomeu sailed around the tip of Africa and entered the Indian ocean
Mar 19, 1492
Columbus set sail with three ships
Mar 19, 1499
Gama sailed as far as Indian and returned to Portugual
Mar 19, 1501
Amerigo Vespucci set sail for Portugal and explores the coast of what is now Brizil
Mar 19, 1506
Columbus dies
Mar 19, 1519
five ships led by Ferdinand Magellan for spain
Mar 19, 1575
Portugal ruled the network extended around Africa