Aug 3, 1492
Columbus sets Sail!
Christopher Columbus set sail at the of Salts at 8:00. They sailed to sunset with a strong breeze to lead the way. -
Sep 8, 1492
Where does Christopher go?
On September 8 Columbus' ship started moving the other way because the wind was blowing Northeast. -
Oct 11, 1492
Does Columbus spot land??
The sea was rougher than normal and they saw something green. They found parts of plants like twigs and leaves so they knew they were getting closer to land. -
Oct 12, 1492
Columbus does spot land!!
They day after he knew they were close to land they found it. What is today the Bahamas thats what they found. Those next few days they spent travling down the island. ABout two days later they ancored on the island. They new it was a largeisland because the next dat the traveled the whole day and still hadn't reached there desitnation. -
Oct 21, 1492
Columbus anchored on Cabo del Isleo
On this day after Christopher Columbus ate they went exploe the island. Columbus says "There was no civilization besides a small home, but their was a lake in front of them and they had saw people with beautiful green and fresh things. Columus didnt let anyone touch anything. The island was beautiful! -
Oct 29, 1492
Columbus anchored and he thought thet the Indians were the leaders, then he got back and sailed about an hour further and saw that there were full-sized houses. which were on the river he called Ro de Mares. So he sent 2 boats to talk to the people and see if they were Christians.There were a lot of tamed wild animals living in the houses. I was unbelievable. -
Nov 6, 1492
How many people living in the village???
He sent two boats out again to the same place he went last week and they came back and said there were about 100 people living there. When Columbus' crew went in the other people stated kissing the feet because they thought they were people from heaven. -
Dec 6, 1492
Columubus finding more land.
On this day Columbus came upon another land he named it Puerto Mara. From that land he found 4 leages. Then the next day he sent sail and came upon more land where the water was very deep. -
Dec 25, 1492
Christmas Day
Columbus decided to go to sleep becauce he hasn't slept in days so he gave it to a man,but the man was going to sleep, so he gave it to a young boy. So everyone was sleeping,but a little boy was steering the boat and the boy anchored the boat. People came on the boat.