protech project

  • Teach mammals are a special kind of animal.

    Mammals are a special kind of animal.
  • Student write/draw mammal questions?

    Students will write a question and illustrate a question they have about mammals.
  • Teach characteristics of mammals.

    Mammals have hair, are warm-blooded, a back bone, do NOT lay eggs, give birth to their babies, and nurse their babies.
  • Students will answer yesterday's questions.

  • Students will write and illustrate 1 characteristic of a mammal.

  • Review mammal characteristics.

  • Teach humans are mammals.

  • Students write and illustrate humans are mammals.

  • Review mammal characteristics.

  • Students will write and illustrate their favorite mammal.

  • Teach characterists of birds.

  • Teach charactistics of chickens. Visit

    Visit the web-site
    Begin to formulate our questions for author, Terry Golson.
  • Generate chicken questions. E-mail to author Terry Golson.

  • Begin incubating chicken eggs.

  • Students create story problems.

  • Solve Story Problems

  • Write/draw what we have learned about birds. Flip-cam video and share in prezi.

  • Teach charact.of reptiles, visit

  • Teach students how to visit during independent learning time.

  • Students write/draw what we have learned, flip cam video and share in prezi.