400 BC

  • 400

    400 BC

    400 BC
    The Babylonians studied astronomy in 400 BC, and came up with methods for predicting astronomical events.
  • Jul 25, 1576

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Tycho Brahe calculated the position of Mars 200 years before the telescope was invented.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo Galilei was the first to observe Mars with a telescope.
  • Asaph Hall

    Asaph Hall
    Asaph Hall spotted the two moons on Mars and named them Phobos and Deimos.
  • Giovanni Schiaparelli

    Giovanni Schiaparelli
    Giovanni Schiaparelli was the first to discover lines crossing each other on Mars. They are known to be water canals.
  • Sputnik 24

    Sputnik 24
    The Soviet Union intended on Mars flyby. However, the spacecraft achieved Earth orbit only.
  • Mariner 6 & 7

    Mariner 6 & 7
    MAriner 6 and 7 flew over Mars equator and took images of the atmosphere and syrface using remote sensors.
  • Mars 2 & 3

    Mars 2 & 3
    Both of these orbiters reaches Mars, but Mars 2 crashed into the surface. Mars 3 landed but only returned data worth 20 seconds.
  • Mariner 9

    Mariner 9
    Mariner 9 was the first satellite of Mars and into orbit.
  • Mars 6

    Mars 6
    Mars 6 released a molecule into Mars atmosphere. This also sent data back to Earth and was the first mission that gathered data while it was in Mar's atmosphere.
  • Mars Pathfinder

    Mars Pathfinder
    This spacecraft is one of the most expensive ones built by NASA, it was $265 million. The information brought back by the spacecraft proved that Mars was once warm and wet.
  • Mars Climate Orbiter

    Mars Climate Orbiter
    The Mars Climate Orbiter conducted many experiments to probe the atmosphere of Mars. However, the Mars Climate ORbiter burned up after entering the planets atmosphere on September 23, 1999.
  • Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space 2 Probes

    Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space 2 Probes
    Mars Polar Lander went to Mars to dig for water ice but lost contact with NASA after they landed. For a whole year scientists tried making contact and even sent the Mars Global Surveryor to search, but they were unsuccessful.
  • Deep Space 2

    Deep Space 2
    The Deep Space 2 project mission consists of two probes which were to penetrate the surface of Mars near the south pole and send back data on the sub-surface properties.
  • U.S.

    NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft collected over 130,000 images of the Mars climate. surface, and mineralogy.
  • Mars Odyssey

    Mars Odyssey was sent to study the climate, geology, and mineralogy of Mars and the mission has been extended for the third time in 2004.
  • Mars Exploration Rovers

    Mars Exploration Rovers
    The Mars Exploration Rover was used to analyze the environment and minerals.
  • Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter

    Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter
    The Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter is designed to orbit Mars over a full martian year and gather data with six scientific instruments,

    MAVEN is being built to explore Mars' upper atmosphere and ionosphere, and interactions with the solar wind,