4.1.3 Developmental timeline- Hudson Barnum- AP Psychology

By Hbarnum
  • Nurturing curiosity.

    My parents have always encouraged my curiousity and sense of wonder. I learned to read from a very early age due to me wanting to know everything. This was the Initiative vs. Guilt stage of Erikson's Erikson's psychosocial Development. My parents would help develop my thinking and language skills using flash cards and books in order for me to identify what I wanted.
  • Trial and error.

    I learned a lot about myself and acquired knowledge through trial and error...My parents allowed this by providing a safe environment for me;keeping a close eye, using baby gates, teaching me how to swim and be safe in the water, helping me when I crashed my bike for the first time when I was 3. This would be placed in the sensorimotor stage of Piaget's cognitive development. I was learning to interact with objects around me which ended up being a crucial part of my cognitive development.
  • right from wrong.

    When I was about 5, I found myself being a little rebellious. I was talking back and yelling at my dad. He then spanked me (which was the only time my parents ever used physical discipline). This corresponds to the preconventional morality stage of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. My parents never had to use physical consequences after that because I learned to associate bad behaviors with consequences and my good behaviors with rewards.
  • Fitting in.

    In my younger years, I didn't quite enjoy sports. However, considering that all the boys my age were really into sports, I had to participate in order to fit in. This would fit in the Conventional morality of Kohlberg's moral development because fitting in with the group of boys around me was something I felt was expected of me by society and I had no say in the matter.
  • Bulding dreams.

    My parents have always set a good work ethic example from me. I would get praised for bringing good grades and this set me to be an ambitious and dream chasing person. This corresponds to the identity vs role confusion stage of Erikson's psychosocial Development because my parents helping me build a strong work ethnic from an early age, gave me the power to be the person that my future self will be proud of. it also encourages me to have high set career expectations like respect and salary.
  • Teacher's pet.

    My second grade year,my class was supposed to read the book "little house on the prairie". I ended up being the only kid in the class to follow instructions and read the book. While my classmates were getting scolded, I was being praised. this corresponds to the Instrumental Orientation in Kohlberg's stage of moral development because, by following directions, I got a praise which felt good. That day I learned that following the rules can be rewarding.
  • Following rules.

    I remember in Junior, all my classmates skipped the lunch line when we weren't supposed to. I didn't skip the line because I respected the rules of order This corresponds to the formal operational stage of Piaget's cognitive development. I am someone that almost always follows rules and doesn't like to break them and not necessarily because I'm scared to, it's because I have sympathetic understanding for rules and regulations and how they maintain order and make us more civilized
  • Higschooler troubles.

    During high school the pressures of my future adulthood sent me into a sort of identity crisis...I didn't feel like I quite belonged in the exact friend group I was in so I kind of shifted to other friends and my personality showed more, I became more of my true self. This corresponds to the Identity vs. Role Confusion of Erikson's psychosocial Development. my parents Also pushed me to do all sorts of things that I did and didn't want to do to help me find what my likes and dislikes were.
  • Finding love.

    Me and my girlfriend started dating on December 26th 2018. I was going through the Intimacy vs. Isolation Erikson's psychosocial Development. my parents' relationship was an example of what I wanted to have when I was older. So when I met my girlfriend, I followed in my parents footsteps and made my own commitment to her. Being in a relationship has helped me find someone who I can confide with has helped develop my sense of trust and has helped me in my other friendships as well.
  • This is me.

    As I grew older in school, I went through a personality change where I went from feeling inferior and unable to speak up in any situation to a more self respected look on things .I no longer felt ashamed to be who I was and say what I wanted. I dressed better, lost and gained some friends. I installed more of my own social rules. I went through Piaget's concrete operational stage. this really helped me appreciate myself and love and rely on myself a lot more.