Food Biotechnology Timeline

  • Francesco Redi observes that uncovered meat develops maggots while covered meat did not.

    Francesco Redi observes that uncovered meat develops maggots while covered meat did not.
    Francesco puts out two pieces of meat: one covered and the other uncovered.This is one of the first examples of a controlled experiment.
  • Cross- fertilisation in corn discovered.

    Cross- fertilisation in corn discovered.
    First food product that has been changed genetically.
  • Pasteurisation first discovered

    Pasteurisation first discovered
    Louis Pasteur heated wine to prevent it from spoiling and keep the flavor. This is the first example of food storage.
  • New method of fermentation discovered

    New method of fermentation discovered
    Eduard Buchner noticed that when yeast is not present, fermentation could occur. This is another way of keeping food fresh.
  • Scientists create the first recombinant organism

    Scientists create the first recombinant organism
    Scientists successfully transfer viral DNA into a bacterium. This is known as the beginning of the biotechnology revolution.
  • First biotechnology patent granted

    First biotechnology patent granted
    Patent granted to US researchers for making human insulin from genetically modified bacteria. This is the start of the biotechnology era.
  • First genetically engineered food product

    First genetically engineered food product
    A genetically modified tomato product meets with approval from the FDA. This is the first GMO food.
  • First genetically modified plant

    First genetically modified plant
    The blue carnation is created in Australia. This is the first GMO plant.
  • First cloning

    First cloning
    Researchers in Scotland clone an adult sheep from its udder cell. This is the first cloning in history.
  • FDA states that food products from cloned animals are safe to eat

    FDA states that food products from cloned animals are safe to eat
    The US FDA declare that foods from cloned animals are as safe to eat as a regular animal. This is a breakthrough for food producers everywhere. Cloning animals for food is becoming a more plausible idea.
  • First food product derived from a cloned animal

    First food product derived from a cloned animal
    The first ever food product will be from a cloning of another animal. Cloning animals will become more common.
  • First "factory" for cloning animals

    First "factory" for cloning animals
    A place for cloning plants and animals will be created. Grocery stores will start to sell more and more food derived of cloned plants and animals.