Posted my Introduction to the CCK08 Course
Used my bio from The Clever Sheep as an intro... -
Ellumintate Test Session
Ran this via Parallels.... A brief overview of the course and modes of discussion "Are you nervous" my favourite question. -
Posted: CCK08 is Truly Global
An interactive Google Map of CCK08 Participants was shared on the blog and in the course discussion. Soonafter, folks from around the world began to add their flags... -
Pre-Reading: Teens and Networking
It took me a while to find time to do some introductory reading... step at a time... -
Podcasted: Networking and Metcalfe's Law
Networks gain exponential benefits with the addition of each node to a network... -
Posted: Will Lurkers Share their Cognitive Surplus?
A post to invite participants to engage in course activities... -
Opening of the Course!
Podcasted: Do Lurkers Realize Their Potential
Legitimate Peripheral Participants ... or Lurkers? -
The Daily Arrives!
The first of a few copies came through and I linked to the video introductions and comparison documents in attempting to define Connectivisim -
Posted: Getting Beyond Parallel Processing
Hoping to get educators to look at what classrooms look like... with scattered desks and students doing common tasks. Alternatives suggested.... -
Added Network Survey invitiation in Moodle
First live online discussion
Noon Ontario time, George Siemens and Stephen Downes engaged in a connectivist conversation with members of the class. -
Posted: Networks Inside and Out
A comparison of the neuroscience view of networks with personal learning networks... -
Posted Blog comments
Found time to comment on Mike Bogle's "How to Grow a Network" post. -
Added My Twitter Friends to Tom Whyte's visual experiment
Although Tweetake was limited to 200 friends, I sent along the data via email... -
Podcast: Parallel Processing vs. Just-in-Time Learning
Parallel to the post on The Clever Sheep...