
Early Explorers

  • Period: Jan 12, 1450 to

    Early Explorers

  • May 20, 1492

    Cristopher Columbus

    Cristopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 and died on 1506. He sailed the Alantic Ocean on the twentieth of May in 1492. His main ship was the Santa Maria. His mission was to find a quicker rout to Aisa instead of going on the Spice Trail or Cape of Good Luck.
  • Feb 13, 1524

    Francisco Pizzaro

    Francisco Pizzaro
    Francisco Pizzaro was born on 1471 or 1476 and died on 1541. He was a Spanish conquistador and explorer. He had two expeditions. His first expedition started in 1524 and was very unsuccesull. His second expedition started two years later after his first expedition. He founded Panama City from 1519 to 1523. On1533, he conquered the Inca native tribe but recieved no gold or other valuable items. He was then assasinated on June 26, 1541 by armed supporters of Deigo Almagro 2 .
  • Dec 2, 1535

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Hernan Cortes was born 1485 and died on 1547. He was a Spanish conquistador and explorer. He and his men conquered the Aztec native tribe in what is now Mexico. Cortes executed the tribe's cheif named Moctezuma and tore down their tribe called Tenochtitlan then established a settlement naming it New Spain wich is now Mexico City.
  • Jun 12, 1542

    Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

    Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
    In June 1542, Juan Rodroguez Cabrillo set out from Mexico in search of Alta California. He discovered San Deigo Bay in September 1542. He helped the Spanish learn more about Alta California.
  • Jan 12, 1579

    Francis Drake

    Francis Drake
    Francis Drake was a British explorer.He raided Spanish settlements. IN one raid, he had stolen 80 pounds of gold! In the summer of 1579, he sailed trough the Strait of Megellan and reached the California coast and claimed it for England before circleing the globe before returning to England.
  • Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno

    Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno
    Cermeno was an Portuguese explorer who sail from the Philipines to the coast of Northern California. He looked for safe harbors (Bays) to dock.
  • Sebastian Vizcaino

    Sebastian Vizcaino
    Vizcaino also looked for a bay to dock on the northern coast of Alta California.
  • Vitus Bering

    Vitus Bering
    In 1728, Vitus Bering, a Russian explorer also was searshing for the mystical Strait of Anian but failed. Instead, he found out that North America an Asia are seaperate continents.
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    James Cook was an Eropean who was also seeking for the Strait of Anian. He too failed but became the first European to land on Vancouver Island