Period: Jan 1, 618 to Jan 1, 1550
3-B Timeline
During the postclassical period, which was from about 600s-1500s, there were many changes in politics in the Americas, China, Western Europe, the Mongols, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. -
Nov 29, 618
A new dynasty in China
The Tang dynasty started to rule China shortly after the fall of the Sui dynasty. Li Yuan, the first emperor of the Tang, was one of Yangdi's officials who was a loyal supporter of the Sui. -
Nov 29, 668
Korea becomes united
The Tang, from China, kept trying to take control of Korea through military campaigns which kept failing. They then took advantage of Korea being divided into three kingdoms and allied with the Silla and then took over all of Korea. China then withdrew their forces in 668, leaving the Silla to rule all of Korea. -
Jan 1, 907
Vietnam's rebellion
Vietnam mounted a rebellion against China to free themselves from Chinese rule. They picked this time to mount the rebellion because at this time was the period of chaos after the fall of the Tang dynasty. -
Jan 1, 939
Vietnam's indpendence
Vietnam's rebellion against China ended about 30 years later when Vietnam finally won their freedom fron China. The Vietnamese stayed independent until the French conquests during the 18th century. -
Jan 1, 960
Song Dynasty
The Song dynasty started about 60 years after the fall of the Tang. After the Tang was a period of political division, nomadic dominance, and social strife, which ended when the Song dynasty began. -
Jan 1, 968
Rise of the Toltecs
The Toltecs established their capital city at Tula. They adopted many features, such as sacrifice, and added a strong militaristic ethic. -
Nov 29, 1150
Rise of the Aztecs
The Aztecs rose to power after the Toltecs were destroyed by nomadic invaders from the north. The center of the Aztecs was shifted to the valley of Mexico and especially on the shores of the large chain of lakes. -
Nov 29, 1206
Beginning of Chinggis Khan's rule
Chinggis Khan led the Mongols during this time, the Mongols were a nomadic and savage empire. The Mongols had incredible military, a warrior could fire a quiver of arrows with incredible accuracy without breaking the stride of his horse. -
Jan 1, 1258
Mongol conquests in Islam
The Mongols had many conquests in the Muslim territory. The key result of the conquests was the capture and destruction of Baghdad. -
Nov 29, 1438
Inca's rise to power
At this time, 1438, the Incas defeated their hostile neighbors that were in the area where they were. The Incas then launched a seroes pf military advances and campaigns that led to the Incas controlling the area from Cuzco to the shores of Lake Titicaca.