Your due date is calculated from the first day of your last period. Many women at this time have no idea that they are pregnant. By the 4th week your cells are developing into a baby and he/she is the size of a poppy seed. -
1 month pregnant
By your fifth week, those cells represent a tadpole. The development of the brain, spinal cord, and heart are underway. Facial features are starting to form on your baby and your baby's heart begins to beat at twice the rate of yours. The entire body is only about the size of a sesame seed at this time. -
3 months pregnant (9-12 weeks)
During the third month, your babies genitals will start to form, along with swallowing and reflexes kick in. Your baby will start to be able to hear some sounds from the outside. Your baby is the size of a lime now and by the end of the second week you can hear your baby’s heartbeat at the prenatal check up now. -
4 months pregnant (13-17 weeks)
Your baby is now developing all sorts of features, eyebrows and eyelashes are formed along with your baby can make facial expressions and can suck his thumb. At this time your baby’s gender can now be found out at your next checkup. He/she is the size of a turnip. -
5 months pregnant (18-22 weeks)
Your baby is putting on more weight at this time, and the facial features are all in place now. You should start to be able to feel your baby kicking and rolling around. Your baby can also now hear your heartbeat along with your partners voice. He/she is the size of a spaghetti squash at this time. -
6 months pregnant (23-27 weeks)
Your baby at this time is the size of a cauliflower. His or hers eyelids will open, and is more responsive to your loud noises and noises around you. Your baby’s tastebuds will be able to taste, through the amniotic fluid and your baby’s lungs are developing but won’t be fully capable of breathing on its own for several more weeks. -
9 months pregnant (37-40 weeks)
Your baby’s gaining about an ounce a day & it’s lungs and brains are continuing to mature and get ready for birth. Your baby at this time is the size of a small pumpkin. -
2 months pregnant
At week nine, your baby has graduated from embryo to a fetus now. Once week ten hits your baby has developed 90% of the anatomical structure you have. Neural tubes have formed & your baby is the size of a kidney bean by now. -
7 months pregnant (28-32 weeks)
Billions of neurons are developing quickly in your baby. Fingernails & toenails have grown on your baby and your baby has also started to somewhat begin to turn head down in preparation for birth. Your baby’s size is similar to a thing of cabbage. -
8 months pregnant (33-36 weeks)
Your baby’s bones are continuing to harden, apart from the skull bones and by the 36th week your baby’s lungs have fully developed. Your baby has also dropped by now. He or she is the size of a honeydew melon.