3.25 Screening Timeline

  • Birth

  • Clinical Breast Exam

    Clinical Breast Exam
    The diagnostic test being preformed is a Clinical Breast Examination. The type of Cancer trying to be diagnosed is Breast Cancer. During this test a physical examination is done along with a mammogram. A Clinical Breast Exam is done every 3 years for women between their 20s and 30s, but for women 40 and over they are done every year,
  • First Cervical Test

    First Cervical Test
    The diagnostic test will be a Pap Smear Tesr. The type of cancer being diagnosed is Cervical Cancer. During this test they use the Pap Smear to find abnormal cells changes of the cervia before it progresses into Cervical Cancer. The Pap Smear Testing schedule is based on the age of the women. The doctor will decide this when the results come back.
  • Endometrial (uterine) cancer

    Endometrial (uterine) cancer
    Cancer that forms in the tissue that lines the uterus. This cancer usually begins within the cells and gets realesed in the body through mucus and other fluids. The risk for this cancer goes up when a women enters menopause. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and vaccine therapy. How many times to get screenings, etc. depends on the doctor.
  • Colorectal Cancer and Polyps

    Colorectal Cancer and Polyps
    • The diagnostic test being performed is a Colon test,
    • A stool DNA test will be done to find blood and polyps in the stool
    • Women starting at age 50 should get tests that find polyps and cancer in the colon.
    • A Colonoscopy should be performed every 10 years.
    • A Sigmoidoscopy should be performed every 5 years and a CT Colonography should also be performed every 5 years.
    • A yearly blood test that looks for fecal occult should be done.
    • A yearly fecal immunochemical test should be done al
  • Lung Cancer

    Lung Cancer
    I don't plan on getting lung cancer because I don't smoke. A heavy smoker will be directed by their doctor on when to get screenings and how often.