3.2.5 screenings

  • I am born

    I am born
    Davis R Joyner emerges from his mothers womb.
  • Period: to

    Life span

  • Skin cancer self exam

    Skin cancer self exam
    I examine my body at the age of 25 after moving to Miami for a few months. I did not get any sun burn but some moles have appeared. I examine them using ABCDE. All of the moles look normal and do not have any abnormalities.
  • Colorectal cancer screening

    Colorectal cancer screening
    Using a stool based exam doctors will test me for any abnormalities in my stool. Since I was positive for blood in my stool I will need further colorectal testing
  • Colonoscopy

    Because I was positive for blood in my stool, doctors will perform a colonoscopy by using a colonoscope with a small camera that can observe any abnormal tissues. The doctors don't see anything abnormal but tells me come back in 10 years for another exam. They also tell me they think the blood in my stool is nothing and I don't need to worry about it
  • colonoscopy

  • Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)

    Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)
    I decide to get my heart tested because my heart beat is irregular and I'm having palpitations. The TEE test uses an ultrasound transducer that runs through the food tube by my heart and can sense any irregularities in the heart and test for a rare disease, heart cancer. The doctors see a small blood clot and recommend an angioplasty.
  • Colonoscopy

  • Colonoscopy

  • I am dead

    I am dead
    Old man Davis Joyner dies at 100 years old exactly on his birthday because he partied too hard