Act 1

  • Jul 18, 1300

    Fight erupts between montague and capulett

    Fight erupts between montague and capulett
  • Jul 18, 1300

    Prince Comes

    Prince Comes
    "if ever you desturb the peice agian your lives will pay the price"!
  • Jul 18, 1300

    Benvolio and Tybalt join the fight

  • Jul 18, 1300

    Romeo is in love with Rosaline.

    Romeo is in love with Rosaline.
    Not Juleit
  • Jul 18, 1300

    Paris asks Juliets dad for her hand in marrage

    Paris asks Juliets dad for her hand in marrage
  • Jul 18, 1300

    servant can't read!

    servant can't read!
    the servant is dumb:/
  • Jul 18, 1300

    Romeo and Juliet meet

    Romeo and Juliet meet
    they kiss and fall in love!