Formation of pakistan

India timeline

By anber
  • Amristar Masscare

    Amristar Masscare
    More Than 10,000 Indians gathered in a public area in Amritsar
  • Gandhi Assassnation

    Gandhi Assassnation
    Gandhi traveled around India, urging nonviolent resistance to British rule. He supported strikes and protest then later on he was assassinated.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Gandhi used satyagraha to protest the tax on salt.
  • Indian Independence

    Indian Independence
    Most Indians had no desire to fight in what they saw as Britain's struggle.
  • Quit India Movement

    Quit India Movement
    . Gandhi hoped to bring the British government to the negotiating table.[1] Almost the entire Congress leadership, and not merely at the national level, was put into confinement less than twenty-four hours after Gandhi's speech,
  • Formation of Pakistan

    Formation of Pakistan
    widespread rioting broke out between Hindus and Muslims and the other nation was pakistan.