William Monroe

  • Signing of the Treaty of Paris

    Signing of the Treaty of Paris
    1.Treaty that officially ended the Revolutionary War on September 3, 1783.
    2.It was signed in Paris by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay.
    3. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War.
  • Matthew Perry sails a fleet to Japan

    Matthew Perry sails a fleet to Japan
    1. Military service: US Navy (1809-58)
    2. Birthplace: South Kingston, RI
    3. Location of death: New York City
  • William Seward buys Alaska

    William Seward buys Alaska
    1.William H. Seward paid Russia $7.2 million for the 586,412 square mile territory of Alaska.
    2.March 30, 1867
    3.Russia saw Alaska as a burden.
  • Panama Canal completed

    Panama Canal completed
    1.The length of the Panama Canal is approximately 51 miles.
    2.The Panama Canal was constructed in two stages
    3.The first between 1881 and 1888, being the work carried out by the French company headed by de Lessop and secondly the work by the Americans which eventually completed the canals construction between 1904 and 1914.
    4.The contract for the canals construction was signed on March 12th, 1881, and it was agreed the work would be carried out for 512 million French francs, but the contract w
  • Teddy Rossevelt and the Rough Riders charge San Juan Hill

    Teddy Rossevelt and the Rough Riders charge San Juan Hill
    1.America's conflict with Spain was later described as a "splendid little war"
    2."The charge itself was great fun" he declared, and "Oh, but we had a bully fight."
    3.In the confusion surrounding their departure from Tampa, half the members of the Rough Riders were left behind along with all their horses.
  • USS Maine is blown up

    USS Maine is blown up
    1.The Spaish-American War (21 April to 13 August 1898) was a turning point in the history of the United States
    2.The blowing up of the battleship USS Maine in Havana harbor on the evening of 15 February was a critical event on the road to that war.
    3.At 9:40 on the evening of 15 February, a terrible explosion on board Maine shattered the stillness in Havana Harbor
  • Queen Lilioukalani becomes queen of Hawaii

    Queen Lilioukalani becomes queen of Hawaii
    1.September 2, 1838 - November 11, 1917
    2.In 1895, Liliuokalani was arrested and forced to reside in Iolani Palace after a cache of weapons was found in the gardens of her home in Washington Place.
    3.The "ex-"queen died due to complications from a stroke in 1917.
  • William McKinley declares war on Spain,begins Spainish American War

    William McKinley declares war on Spain,begins Spainish American War
    1.Spain grants limited autonomy to Cuba.
    2.Pulitzer-owned New York Journal publishes Spanish Minister Enrique Dupuy de Lóme's letter criticizing President McKinley.
    3.Spain reacted quickly to the Biak-na-Bato Republic and sought negotiations to end the war. With Pedro Paterno, a noted Filipino intellectual and lawyer, mediating, Aguinaldo representing the revolutionists and Governor-General Fernando Primo de Rivera representing the Spanish colonial government, the Pact of Biak-na-Bato was conclu
  • Rosevelt corollary

    Rosevelt corollary
    1.Amendment to the Monroe Doctrine.
    2.Gave U.S. the right to intervene in Caribbean affairs.

    3.U.S. saw European power as a threat to the Caribbean.
  • Roosevelt sends Great White Fleet across the world

    Roosevelt sends Great White Fleet across the world
    1.43,000 mile, 14-month circumnavigation would include 20 port calls on six continents
    2.it is widely considered one of the greatest peacetime achievements of the US Navy.
    3.The idea of sending the new battle fleet around the world was the brainchild of the energetic "Teddy" Roosevelt, former colonel of the Rough Riders and one-time assistant secretary of the Navy.
  • Woodrow Wilson wins presidency

    Woodrow Wilson wins presidency
    1.Teddy Roseavelt runs as Bullmosse canidate.
    2.Woodrow Wilson defeated Teddy Roseavelt and William Howard Talf.
    3.Woodrow Wilson recives 42% of the popular votes.
  • Progressive Party forms

    Progressive Party forms