Jun 15, 1215
The Magna Carta Issued in England
Image source: http://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/image-files/king-john-signing-magna-carta-large.jpg The Magna Carta set in motion the future limitations on the English monarchy. Passed by barons, it attempted to limit the power of English kings by forcing to accept that they were bound by law, by protecting many rights of the English citizens, preventing unlawful imprisonment (habeus corpus), and more. This was the first instance of the citizenry limiting the power of the monarch. -
Nov 13, 1295
The rise of the "Model" Parliament
Image source: http://www.pepysdiary.com/images/wikipedia/334/300px-Medieval_parliament_edward.Jpg Parliament had an extremely limited presence in English government until Edward called a representative body of the entire country to represent the people for the first time, having knights and commoners all included. This was process which would be emulated in future Parliament sessions. This was also the first summoning of Parliament which resulted in a challenging of the king's authority. -
Nov 1, 1534
First Act of Supremacy passed in England
Image source: http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/upload/img_400/BHC2763.jpg Henry VIII separated England from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. It severed any ties that England had with the powerful outside authority that was the pope. The English government was now managed in both a political and religious aspect by the same figure, the king, and this would have significant repercussions for the final development of a limited monarchy. -
Nov 17, 1558
Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England
Image source: http://englishhistory.net/tudor/eliz1-ermine.jpg The ascent of Queen Elizabeth to the throne, and her subsequent rule over England marks a time at which the foundations for a limited monarch were set and an example was formed for how a monarch and Parliament may to an extent work together to rule, especially with the House of Commons. -
Charles I executed
Image source: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Civil_War/images/execution.jpg The execution of Charles I epitomizes the breakdown in relations between Parliament and the monarchy,as the stark differences with regards to religion and political policy caused the two to be at odds, and for the first time the people defeated the monarch. This signifies the beginning of the ascent of Parliament to an almost equal standing with the monarchy. -
James II Overthrown in Glorious Revolution
Image source: http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/23/84823-004-4D10595E.jpg The uprisal and final usurption of power from James II marks the final absolute monarch to rule over England, as the rise of William and Mary after the Glorious Revolution saw the beginning of joint rule with Parliament and the abandonment of absolutism in England. The uprisal of James II displayed the large discontent with absolutism among the English people and its ultimate demise. -
English Bill of Rights Enacted
Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/English_Bill_of_Rights_of_1689_(middle).jpg The English Bill of Rights was the final stepping stone in the final result of a limited, constitutional monarchy in England. Certain rights were enumerated in the document, largely meant to temper the power of English monarcys, such as the right to petition against a ruler and the freedom from royal taxes. It was now law in England that a monarch work in harmony with Parliament.