Oct 4, 1000
Leif Erison visits Newfoundland in search of timbers to build homes on Greenland
Sep 30, 1394
Prince Henry the Navigator is born in Portugal
Sep 30, 1419
Portuguese sailors, sent by Prince Henry begin the age of Exploration
Portuguese sailors reach the Island of Madeira off the coast of Africa. -
Sep 30, 1441
African slaves captured by Portuguese
Captured Africans are brought back to Portugal as slaves. -
Sep 30, 1460
Death of Prince Henry the Navigator
Portuguese explorers have reached Sierra leone on the West Coast of Africa. -
Sep 30, 1462
Christopher Columbus reaches the Bahamas, after sailing successfully across the Atlantc.
He believes he has reached islands off the coast of Asia. -
Sep 30, 1487
Bartolomeu Dias, a Portuguese navigator, becomes the first Europen to sail around the tip of Africa.
Sep 30, 1487
Dias sails around Cape of Good Hope.
Portuguese Explorer Bartolomeu sails around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. -
Sep 30, 1492
Columbus sets foot as the first European on the North American continent. -
Sep 26, 1493
Ponce DeLeon Explores Florida
Ponce DeLeon explores Florida looking for the fountain of youth -
Sep 30, 1493
Columbus makes second voyage to New World.
Colombus makes the trip with 17 ships and 1,000 male colonists. -
Jul 8, 1497
Vasco DaGama Sails to India
Vasco DaGama is first European to sail to India -
Oct 4, 1497
John Cabot reaches the St. Lawrence River
He is the first Englishman to oficially explore the New World. -
Oct 4, 1497
Vasco DaGama establishes a route to India
He becomes the first European to sail around Africa and reach India as a trade route. -
Oct 4, 1517
The Reformation begins
Martin Luther posts his 95 theses on the door of a Catholic Church to spark a split that brings about Protestantism. -
Nov 1, 1522
Magellan sails around world
Magellan becomes first person to sail around the world -
Oct 4, 1524
Giovanni da Verranzo sails into New York Harbor
A modern bridge spans the gap that is name after the explorer. -
Oct 4, 1534
Jacques Cartier claims modern day Canada for France
Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence river in search of the Northwest passage, though he fails to establish a French colony. -
Oct 4, 1540
French Explorers begin to trade fro Beaver Pelts with Native Americans
Beaver hats are all the rage in Europe and trading for their skins becomes a way for young explorers to get rich very quickly. -
Oct 4, 1565
St. Augustine, Florida established as the oldest city in the New World.