
Civil War timeline

By cpenov
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    best known for the john browns raid on the armory. john brown lead 21 people to an armory so they could capture weapons and supplies. Didn't turn out so well.
  • Lincoln's Election

    Lincoln's Election
    Abraham Lincoln gets elected into office. He is the start of the first republican party.
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    South Carolina starts a seceding movement and many staes fallow after.
  • Mississippi secedes

    Mississippi secedes
    mississippi secedes from the united states and becomes the second state to secede.
  • Florida Secedes

    Florida Secedes
    Florida becomes the thired state to secede from the us and will not be the last.
  • Alabama secedes

    Alabama secedes
    alabama Becomes the fourth state to secede from the u.s.
  • Georgia secedes

    Georgia secedes
    Georgia Secedes and becomes the fifth state to leave the the U.S.
  • Louisiana Secedes

    Louisiana Secedes
    louisiana becomes the sixth state to secede from the us and marks the halfway point of seceding states
  • texas secedes

    texas secedes
    texas secedes from the u.s becoming the seventh state to leave due to the cival war
  • Ft. Sumter

    Ft. Sumter
    Ft Sumter was a military blockade used for munitions and supplies. less than 90 solders held this position for more than 36 hours wile under constatnt bombardment.
  • Virginia secedes

    Virginia secedes
    Virginia secedes from the union and becomes the eigth state to leave the U.S
  • Arkansas secedes

    Arkansas secedes
  • North Carolina secedes

    North Carolina secedes
    North carolina secedes from the U.S making it the second to last state to secede.
  • Tennessee secedes

    Tennessee secedes
    Tennesee is the last to secede from the U.S. No more states will secede but this was a major event during the cival war.
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    Also known as the battle of Manassass was one of the first major land battles of the cival war.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    A supprise attack launched against the union by Gen. Albert in order to gain the upper hand in battler
  • Antietam

    This was the first cival war battle to take place on northern soil. It was also the blodiest single day battle of the cival war.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    the immancipation in simple terms means free the slaves. This was writen up by the most honest man. Ab Loncoln
  • BAttle of Fredricksburg

    BAttle of Fredricksburg
    Not much to say except that the union solders got there butt's kicked. The confederats were well armored and were in the saftey of there trenches wile the union soldiers were standing out in the open.
  • Gettysburg

    gettysburg was a major turning point for the union. This battle also lead to one of the greatest speaches of the centry.
  • Siege of knoxville

    Siege of knoxville
    Started in 1863 on november 4th Gen. Braxton met with Maj. Gen. william in a battle and gen braxton came out victorious.
  • Chatanooga

    Chatanooga was well known for the manuvers used by grant to conquer the other side. they were great military tactics used during the civio war
  • Battle of cold Harbor

    Battle of cold Harbor
    known as one of the bloodiest battles and lopsided battles of the cival war. Even though alot of battles were known as the bloodiest this was the bloodiest in a different way.
  • shermins March to the Sea

    shermins March to the Sea
    commonly called the savanah campeign, shemins march was a march to remember. they went deep into military territory and destroyed lots of civilian property.
  • Appatomax Courthouse

    Appatomax Courthouse
    This is the house where lee surendered to grant. This house is one of the most important structures remaining froom the civil war even though it has been burnt down once before.
  • Lincolns Assassination

    Lincolns Assassination
    LINCOLN WAS ASSASSINATED. Shot frome behing in a play about "Our American Cousins" Five Days after the war was already over. Someone must have been a little upset about somthing to shoot such a kind man in the back of the head.