22nd Dynasty

  • 765 BCE

    The Great Upheaval

    In a great upheaval, the Sea Peoples forced many African nations to take refuge in Egypt and start their own dynasties. This is known in our timeline as the Great Upheaval.
  • Period: 765 BCE to 758 BCE

    Shoshenq I

    Shoshenq I, the first pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, left Libya along with a group of Libyan refugees. He ruled over the Libyans for less than a decade following 765 B.C.
  • Period: 758 BCE to 748 BCE

    Osorkon I

    Osorkon I, the second pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans for about a decade following 760 B.C.
  • Period: 748 BCE to 740 BCE

    Takeloth I

    Takeloth I, the third pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans for less than a decade until 740 B.C.
  • Period: 740 BCE to 712 BCE

    Osorkon II

    Osorkon II, known in the Hebrew Bible as So (O'so'rkon = So), was the fourth pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty. He ruled the Libyans from 740 to 712 B.C.
  • Period: 714 BCE to 673 BCE

    Shoshenq III

    Shoshenq III, the fifth pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans from 714 to 673 B.C.
  • Period: 673 BCE to 660 BCE

    Shoshenq IV

    Hedjkheperre Setepenre, or Shoshenq IV, the sixth pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans from 673 to 660 B.C.
  • Period: 660 BCE to 654 BCE


    Pemay, the seventh pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans from 660 to 654 B.C.
  • Period: 656 BCE to 619 BCE

    Shoshenq V

    Aakheperure Shoshenq V, the eighth pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans from 656 to 619 B.C.
  • Period: 619 BCE to 604 BCE

    Osorkon IV

    Neferkare Osorkon IV, the ninth and terminal pharaoh of the 22nd Dynasty, ruled the Libyans from 619 to 604 B.C.