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21st century technologies

  • Seizure stoppers

    Seizure stoppers
    Théodore Herpin, Seizure Stoppers, It’s a device and it sits under the skull and tracks brain activity. Its helping to stop seizures from happening.
  • Laser Surgery

    Laser Surgery
    Theodore Maiman, Laser surgery, surgical procedure that uses a laser to correct nearsightedness. Improves eye sight.
  • Human genome project

    Human genome project
    Francis Crick, and James Watson. Human genome project. researchers can discover the functions of particular genes and identify which genes are critical for life. It was a impact of medicine practices.
  • 23andMe

    Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe, Tells you if you have genetic variants with an increased risk of certain health conditions. Helped prevent or get ahead of certain diseases.
  • Gene Editing

    Gene Editing
    Yoshizumi Ishino, CRISPR, targets the insertions to site specific locations in the body. Is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced in DNA