21st Century

By samzo27
  • Bionic Prosthetic

    Bionic Prosthetic
    Date: Douglas Bly invented and patented the Doctor Bly's anatomical leg in 1858, which he referred to as “the most complete and successful invention ever attained in artificial limbs.”
    • does not cause pain or skin breakdown when used.
    • much more stable and provides a full range of joint movement
    • Because the prosthesis is directly attached to the bone, the wearer feels as though their prosthesis is part of their own body
  • Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment

    Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment
    Date: First used in the 1970’s,
    Definition:Type of treatment that boosts the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer. It helps to improve or restore immune system function.
    Who invented it: William B. Coley, known as the Father of Immunotherapy
    Benefits: Stops cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. Also, stops or slows the growth of cancer cells. Known to help melanoma, lung cancer, and bladder cancer.
  • 3d Printing Body Parts

    3d Printing Body Parts
    Date: The promise of printing human organs began in 1983 when Charles Hull invented Stereolithography.
    Benefits: 3D printing has greatly changed the 21st century of health care and medicine because it not only creates 3D models of body parts that physicians can practice on. But in recent studies, they have not only been creating these body parts and practicing on them, but they have also been using this method to create transplants. Such as prosthetic ears.
  • Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery
    Date: First introduced in the 1990’s but in 2000, the da Vinci Surgery System broke new ground by becoming the first robotic surgery system approved by the FDA for general laparoscopic surgery.
    • Shorter hospitalization
    • Reduced pain and discomfort
    • Faster recovery time and return to normal activities
    • Smaller incisions, resulting in reduced risk of infection
    • Reduced blood loss and transfusions
    • Minimal scarring
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    Date: 1990 – 2003, but the timeline is still extending
    Who created it: In 1993, Aristides Patrinos succeeded Galas and Francis Collins succeeded James Watson
    Benefits: better diagnosis of disease, early detection of certain diseases, and gene therapy and control systems for drugs
  • Anti-Smoking Laws

    Anti-Smoking Laws
    Date: In 1995, California was the first state to enact a statewide anti-smoking law. throughout the early to mid-2000s, especially between 2004 and 2007, an increasing number of states also encouraged some type of anti-smoking law
    Benefits: Prevents lung problems and other health issues for second hand smokers.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    Stem Cells: Date: Scientists discovered ways to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos more than 30 years ago, in 1981. The detailed study of the biology of mouse stem cells led to the discovery, in 1998, of a method to derive stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory.
    • Increase understanding of how diseases occur
    • Generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells
    • Test new drugs for safety and effectiveness
  • Telehealth Dr visits

    Telehealth Dr visits
    Date: Early 20th century
    Benefits: reduces unnecessary non-urgent ER visits and eliminates transportation expenses for regular checkups. Telemedicine was originally created to treat patients who were in remote places, far away from local health facilities or in areas of with shortages of medical professionals.
  • Facial Transplants

    Facial Transplants
    Date: First facial transplant; November 7, 2005
    Doctors who did the first transplant: Bernard Devauchelle, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Benoit Lengelé, a Belgian plastic surgeon, and Jean-Michel Dubernard in Amiens, France
    Benefits:a replacement of skin on the face, this is usually needed when a person is either born with facial disfigurement or who has been in an accident that has cause these defects.
  • Artificial Pancreas

    Artificial Pancreas
    Date: Lewis (inventor of the artificial pancreas) said her invention is not FDA approved, and that an “official” FDA approved artificial pancreas will come out on the market in the spring of 2017.
    Benefits: artificial pancreas, which delivers insulin in an automated way to individuals with Type 1 diabetes, appears to be safe and effective for use in young children age 5-8 years