Background experiences
Students have previous experience with writing process and brainstormed/created story maps already -
Collaboration and Planning
2 weeks prior to lesson:
Librarian and teacher meet to collaborate and plan lesson -
Building knowledge
1-2 weeks prior to lesson:
Teacher reads mentor texts to students, reviewing story elements for each story -
Modeling/explaining assignment
Days 1-2:
Model project and review outcomes; seperate into groups and partners create brainstorming web/story map -
Write first draft of fractured/innovative fairy tale
Days 3-4:
Review assignment, write draft of fairy tale, edit and revise during conferencing with teacher and librarian -
Creating VoiceThread
Days 5-7:
Divide rough draft into "pages" for VoiceThread story, design illustrations using Pixie, and create VoiceThread with partner -
Days 8-9:
Students listen to peer VoiceThreads, comment on one, and vote on best one