Period: to
Higins balloon factory takes a year to build Prof. balloon
The higgins balloon takes a year to Build Prof. balloon.
real dates unkown p.44 -
WAEC cupola was finished
23 years ago the WAEC cupola was finished real date of 23 years ago unknown -
Around the world in 80 days
not actual date.... date unknown -
Prof. left san Fransisco
At 2:00 Prof leaves San Fransisco... Prposed to be in the balloon for a whole year. p9 -
Prof 1st day in globe
Prof first day in the globe when he reaches crusing altitude.
day 1 of globe travel
1 minute or 2
p.47 -
Prof. Watches the coastline disapere 10 minuts into flight
Day 1 in Globe -
Period: to
saves garbage
Prof sherman saves all of his garbage fo the first three days. -
Period: to
THe days in the Globe
Days in the Globe -
Garbage smell was unbarable
on the the mornin gof the 4th day on the globe the garbage's smell smell was unbearable! p.50 -
Prof. falls into the water
Prof. falls into the water due to seaguls into shark infested waters p66 -
Mr. M ship wreck of Krakatoa
Mr. M ship wreck of Krakatoa p81 -
Swimming with Mr. F
2nd day of swimming with Mr. F at Krakatoa P155 -
prof. took a sun bath
Prof. afraid to go swimming after eating so insted he took a sun bath insthed for about an hour.
Krak. Day D -
They floated over the valcano
Prof and all of Krakatoa start to fly away on a platform with 21 balloons when they get stuck for 17 hours over the valcano. p155 -
Valcano explodes
Valcano eplodes D day -
black cloud thinded out
The black cloud of the valcano thinned out on the afternoon of the 2nd day on the platform p 171 -
Sighted land
They sighted land in the afternoon of the third day p. 171 -
going down
Prof. got all of the hoses undone and started to decend into the alantic ocean. p.175 -
Prof. found in Alantic Ocean
Prof. found in the Alantic Ocean with twenty-one balloons. 60 degrees N Latitude 17 degrees W long p.12 -
Prof. recieves a telagram at Muray Hill Hotel
The telagram was from the scratay of the president saying that they would send the presidential trian to pick him up in new york and bring him to San Fransisco. p. 16 -
Arives at Muray hill hotel
Prof Sherman arives at muray hill hotel -
Prof. Leaves Muray Hill Hotel
Prof. Leaves Muray Hill Hotel to San Fransisco At 2:56
1st day on train p.30+31 -
Period: to
5 days on the presidential train
Prof. Spent 5 days on the presidential trian from New york to San Fransisco
p.17 -
Balloons were finished for San Fransisco
The Higins Balloon Factory finished all the balloons to be put out onto the streets of San Fransisco
2 1/2 days on the trian.
p.21 -
The balloons were attached to the streets of San Fransisco
Noon of the third day the balloons were attached to the buildins of San Fransisco -
restless night for the SFFD
Because of Hydrogen balloons and the and the chimeny sparks the balloons were blowing up and causing the fire departmaent to be running around putting out the fires. p28 -
Top of WAEC cupola flys away
In the morning of the 4th day of the trip on the trian the Western American Explorers Club's top part of the cupola rises up and flys away because of to many balloons.
1:29 oclock AM
p.24 -
2nd restless night for the SFFD
Because of Hydrogen balloons and the and the chimeny sparks the balloons were blowing up and causing the fire departmaent to be running around putting out the fires. p28 -
All Decorations were done
All the decorations were ready in San Fransisco on the 4th day p.28 -
The balloon bugy to be readied
A balloon buggy is to be readied this afternoon at Tomes aeronautical studios. 4th day p.28 -
4-5 hours later gentle awakened on the island krakatoa my Mr F. -
Prof. arivves in San Fransisco
Proffessor Sherman arives in San FRansisco on his 5th day of the trip. p30+31 -
3-15 min intermission