Assasination of Archeduke Francis Ferdinand
Archduke Francis Ferdinand was next in line for the Austrian throne. He was killed in Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist who believed that Bosnia belong to Serbia. Black Hand group assassinated him. Austria blamed Serbia for Ferdinand's death. Eventually Hungary declared war on Serbia. Since Serbians are Slavic, Slavic’s are considered Russians so Russians backed them up. Germany Pledged their support for Austria-Hungary and World War 1 sparks. -
Gallipoli Campaign
Gallipoli plan was developed to end the war and create a new front in the Dardanelles to the British government’s War Council. British troops in Egypt were put on alert, because the Central Powers were fighting to fronts. Fighting against two armies like the French and the Russian wore out the German military. Creating this new front would cause the Germans to split the military. -
Japanese makes 21 Demands on China
The Twenty-One demands were five compromising groups that required China to stop leasing its territory to foreign powers and to give Japanese control over Manchuria and Shandong and other requests as well. On May 7, 1915 China accepted the proposition knowing it couldn’t afford going to war with Japan; although the intervention of the United States and Great Britain annulled all former policy’s that China had accepted. -
Civil War in Russia
The Russian Revolution that occurred in 1917, was also referred to as the Bolsheviks Revolution and the October Revolution. During that year two revolutions were occurring in Russia, the first one was the February Revolution when the Tsar was abdicated from throne and the second revolution was the October Revolution when the Provisional Government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks. The February Revolution broke out because of the involvement in the war. Food supplies -
Bulshevik Revolution
Bolsheviks Revolution was the second Russian Revolution in the year 1917. The Provisional Government was unpopular and not accepted by the Russian community; The Bolsheviks Party in Russia wanted to overthrow the Provisional Government and set up a government for the proletariat. The Provisional government wouldn’t allow such a thing. The put the leader of the Bolsheviks in jail and Lenin went into hiding. The Provisional Government lost popularity and the soldiers were begging to think like Bo -
German Resumption of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare occurred during WW1 when Germany declared area around British Isles was a war zone. In which case all ships, regardless if they were merchant ships or those from neutral countries would be attacked by German Navy. There was a huge number of ships attacked and in that collection of ships the Lithuania was sunk. This led President Wilson to have to interfere and warn the Germans to hold back their navy. This didn’t discourage the Germans they moved to a much more us -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
A treaty signed in 1918 in Brest-Litovsk between Russia and the Central Powers pointing out Russia’s exit from World War 1. This was a relief to the Russians who were currently having a Russian Civil War and couldn’t afford to fight another war. They didn’t want to surrender land to Germany so they took their time getting it signed until Germany moved into Russia and set their terms. Russia had to give up Ukraine, Finland, the Baltic provinces, the Caucasus and Poland. -
Paris Peace Conference
A Conference held in Paris, were a document was signed stating that all lands conquered by the Central Powers must be abandoned Germanys army surrenders more than 35, 000 weapons. Negotiations at these meeting were dominated by the United States, Britain, France, Italy, & Japan. 5 treaty’s emerged from this conference. The treaty of Versailles, St Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, and Serves. All these treaty’s forced territorial loss, financial accountability, and military restrictions to each and -
Mussolini Launches Fascist Movement
A socialist movement ruled under a totalitarian regime that forces things upon people and is executed and maintained with aggression. Mussolini’s Fascism was under a dictatorship that limited the rights of the individual. He was a very popular dictator who’s dictatorship lasted twice as long as Germanys. He was a charismatic leader whose influence led to the process of industrialization and the creation of a new working class. -
First Meeting of the League of Nations
The League of Nations first met in November 1920. Forty-two nations were represented at this first meeting. Not present or banned were Germany, Russia, and the United States. Germany, was identified as an aggressor in World War I, was rejected from admission at first, and admitted in 1926. Russia, now the Soviet Union, was not invited to join the League due to the policies of the new communist government. The Soviet Union finally became a member of the League in 1935. In November 1919, the US -
Linnins's Economic Reform
Lenin’s economic policy was aimed to support the need of the Civil War Russia was fighting. Two economic policies were created and the first one was the nationalization of the industry and food supply. The lack of food would cause a famine and they wanted to prevent that. The Second economic policy was the NEP. This economic Policy returned factories to their owners, and let the peasants keep the surplus grain. -
Ataturk Proclaims Republic of Turkey
Ataturk was the first president in Turkey, he made Turkey a Republic. The Turkish people had much gratitude and respect for this political figure that had demonstrated patriotism and nationalism to his people, even before he was announce president he was in multiple wars. The people recalled him as an outstanding nation builder, reformer, soldier, commander and much more. -
First Soviet Five Year Plan
First Soviet Five year plan was made by Stalin in 1928. Its purpose was to industrialize the USSR in the shortest amount of time possible, and in that same time span also begin collectivization farms. This plan was put to action and achieved making the USSR self sufficient. -
US Stock Market Crash
The stock Market crash was a decline in the stocks values that contributed to the Great Depression of 1930. The Stock Market crash not only affected the United States but it also affected Europe. Us was providing loans to Germany to pay off the debt they had with France and as soon as the stocks crashed US couldn’t provide the money and a depression occurred in Europe. -
Civil Disobedience Movement
Led by Ghandhi in India. Had three diffrent phases that marked the Indian Nationalism. His ideologys were non violent, and were defiying the laws of Britain. With this nationalism movement he unified the country and made the populaation realize the importance of politics to the public. -
Period: to
Civil disobedeance Movement in Indiia
German Auschluss with Austria
Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
Period: to
Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
Period: to
Hitlers Rule in Gernamy
Hitlers Rule in Gemany
Period: to
Long March by Chinese Communists
Sandino is Murdered in Nicaragua
Long March by Chinese Communists
Period: to
Stalins " Great Purge" in USSR
Stalins "Great Purge" in USSR
Invasion of China by Japan
German Auschuluss with Austria
Invasion of Poland by Germany
Period: to
World War 2
German Invasion of the USSR
D-Day, Allied Invasion at Normandy
Soviet Victory at Stalingrad
Establishment of the United Nations
Capture of Berlin by Soviet Forces
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski
Period: to
Division of the Berlin and German
Algerian War of Liberation
Partition of India
Period: to
Arab-Israeli War
Period: to
Construction of the Berlin War
Period: to
Establishment of Peoples Republic in China
Establishment of the Peoples Republic in China
Establishment of NATO
Cunstruction of the Berlin Wall
Period: to
Korean War
Korean War
French defeat at Dien Bien Phu
Establishment of the Warsaw Pact
Uprising in Hungary
Suez Crisis
Period: to
Great Leap Forward in China
Great Leap Forward in China
Castro Comes to Power
Period: to
Sino-Soviet Rift
Sino-Soviet Rift
Period: to
US Troops in Vietnam
US Troops in Vietnam
Crreation of PLO
Transfer of Hong Kong to China
Revolution of Iran
Period: to
Iran-Iraq War
Iran-Iraq War
Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Reunification of Germany
Persian Gulf War
Collapse of the USSR