The unification of German
German was left as a divided state. However, nationalist movements and revolutions led Germany to the unification.
This is an instant of nationalism. Nationalism has effected the European nations a lot, which is also one of the reasons, causes the Great War. -
The Three Emporers' League is formed.
In order to isolate France, Bismarck formed the League of the Three emperors. An alliance that is formed by Germany, Russia and Austria-Humgary. This is an instance of alliances in 19th century. This act,causes tension between countries in Europe, which is one of the importanyt causes of the World War One. -
Dreadnought is launched by Britain.
British has established that in order to have the best navy in Europe, in case wars happen, they would have a navy two and half times as large as the second-largest navy. Therefor, Dreadnought is launched. This is an instant of militarism. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, is assassinated along with his wife, Duchess Sophie, in Sarajevo. -
Germany gives assurances of support to Austiran-Hunary.
Austria-Hungary asks German support for a war against Serbia, in case of Russian mobilization. And Germany gives assurance. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
Germany warns Russia to stop mobilizing.
Austria-Hungary has declared war at Serbia. Therefore, Russia mobilizing. Then, Germany warns Russia to stop mobilizing. -
Germany declares war on Russia.
Russia declares that mobilization is only against Austria-Hungary. -
Germany declared war on France and Belgium
The United Kingdom declares war on Germany.
German has invaded Belgium. Britan protests that the violation of Belgium's neutrality, is guaranteed by a treaty. German replies that a treaty is just a piece of paper. Therefore, Britain declares war on Germany -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia. Serbia declares war on Germany.
France declares war on Austira-Hungary
The beginning of Battle of the Frontiers
The Germans obtain a victory against the Britains and French. -
Japan declares war on Germany
Erich von Falkenhayn replaces Helmuth von Moltke the Younger as German Chief of Staff.
Russia declares war on Ottoman Empire.
France and the United Kingdom declare war on the Ottoman Empire.
The Russian offensive in the Carpathians begins.
First Geman Zeppelin air raid on England.
The beginning of second Battle of Ypres.
Chemical weapons are used for the first time. -
Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
Tsar Nicholas takes command of Russian armies.
Nicholas II removes Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolayevich as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, personally taking that position. -
Douglas Haig becomes the commander of British Expeditionary Force.
Douglas Haig replaces John French as commander of the British Expeditionary Force. -
The beginnig of Battle of Verdun
The beginning of Battle of the Somme.
Woodrow Wilson re-elected president of the United States.
The end of Battle of the Somme.
It results in one million Casualties. -
The end of Battle of Verdon
The longest battle of the Great War. There is around one million casualties during the war. -
Nicholas II of Russia abdicates.
The United States declares war on Germany.
Battle of Arras begins. Canadian troops is involved.
British and Canadian troops advance three miles. Canadian troops take Vimy Ridge. -
The beginnig of the tird Battle of Ypres.
First time US troops are introduced. -
Supream Allied War Coucil is established.
The Allies agree to establish a Supreme War Council at Versailles. -
The end of the third Battle of Ypres.
Russia signs armistice.
President Woodrow Wilson declares his fourteen points as the path to wotld peace.
Germans launch Operation Michael.
It is the first of five offensives, designed to win the war before American troops arrive in great numbers. -
American allied troops break through the Hindenberg line.
A German republic is found.
The Great War ends
At eleven o'clock on the eleventh day of the eleventh mounth of 1918, the war ends. -
Proposal to create the League of Nations accepted.
An international organization to promote world peace and cooperation that was created by the Treaty of Versailles -
Versailles Peace Treaty is signed.
The American Senate fails to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.
The Stock Market Crash
About 6 million Germans became unemployed and the German people were again beginning to look to other forms leadership. -
Fall of the Democratic Weimar Republic and the rise of Dictatorial Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler came to be the head of a new German party in 1933, known as the Nationalist Socialist party. Germany also quit the League of Nations. Hitler began to repudiate the Versailles and rebuild the German Militia in 1933.