2020 Techology Vision Plan Shared At January 2013 Board Meeting
After many collaborative work sessions with school site teams, students, district staff, board members, Information Technology Team, parents/guardians and community members, the 2020 Technology Vision Plan was presented by a group of student and teacher leaders from the district (all schools were represented) -
I Have A Dream and Vision Work Day
Taking a cue from Dr. MLK, Jr., the 2020 Team met voluntarily on the MLK, Jr. Holiday to make decisions about the "Dreams and Visions" that would shape the colloboration agendas for school teams and the rollout plan for 1. Laptops for the Certificated Team and 2. Chromebook across the campuses -
PD Teams - Distribute Skills and Needs Surveys (Week of 01/28/13)
From various work sessions with the Information Technology Team (IT), a Skills and Needs Survey was developed to ask certificated staff about their level of knowledge and use of various technologies as well as their training needs and wishes. Surveys were distributed on 01/28/13 and are due by 02/22/2013 (online survey accessible from various digital devices and computers) -
Survey Results and Laptop Rollout Plan Presented 03/2013
Certificated Skills and Needs Survey results presented at the monthly board meeting. The learning community, board members and staff had an opportunity to ask questions of IT. -
Spring It On Laptop Rollout Days - 04/04/13 and 04/25/13
After the certificated team chooses their laptop platform, laptops and accessories are purchased. IT visits each campus with the laptops and assists with set up as needed. Laptop workshops are hosted for the remainder of the month for school teams. -
May/June 2013 Training and Curriculum Support Workshops
The certificated team members are invited to participate in various workshops to learn their new laptop, connect to Smart Boards and to begin curriculum/lesson redesign by embedding technology into daily practices. Best practices are shared throughout the district via the district website. -
Use It or Lose It > Technology Skills and Instruction Workshops
Throughout June, during summer vacation, the certificated team is encouraged to select off of a "menu" from various workshops to learn their new laptop, applications on the internet, and continue to work on curriculum/lessons redesign by embedding technology into daily practices. Best practices are shared throughout the district via the district website. -
Chromebooks and CCSS Workshops
Throughout July and August 2013, the Teacher Leaders from all campuses are introduced to the Common Core Standards and preliminary PD/Collaboration plans are created for the 2013/2014 school year. Teaching staff who signed up for Chromebook Carts must attend mandatory training on the use, maintenance and curriculum support of Chromebooks! -
Fall Into The Future 2013 - CCSS PD/Collaboration and SSC Meetings
Throughout the months of September - November, school sites introduce their entire team (classified, certificated, learning and students) to the CCSS and site/district plans. -
Fall Into The Future - Chromebook Cart Rollout
In September and October, those teachers that signed up for classroom Chromebook Carts and successfully participated in the mandatory training during the summer receive their carts. Students watch a student created video introducing the new technology to the campus and techology use contracts are signed by all students in all classes! -
CCSS PD/Collaboration and SSC Monthly Updates
Continuing in December 2013 - February 2014, the 4 Cs are reviewed with school teams (Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking) and teams are asked to integrate these C's into their lessons including the CCSS lessons too. Each collaboration, instructional teams presents a Best Practices (technology and CCSS components) lesson to staff. -
New Year, New Dues - CCSS
The new year is kicked off by encouraging school teams to continue to learn more about CCSS, develop lessons integrating technology while considering the 4Cs in all they do for students! PD/Collaboration Continues throught the rest of the school and now includes training on Smarter Balanced testing. -
Smarter Balanced CCSS Testing Begins
Testing begins throughout the district in April 2014 Teams are organized to share Best Practices for administering the tests and this information is shared on the website. -
Chromebooks and Curriculum / Student Laptops
Additional teachers begin to express and interest in Chromebooks and register for training for July 2014. Student groups from each school meet with IT to discuss distributing laptops to students. Each school sends 3-5 reps to share across the district the ideas, questions and plans for a student laptop rollout (January 2015). -
Future Looks Brigt - Certificated Laptop Distribution
The IT Team continues to work with new teachers to the district and others who now would like to have a laptop! Workshops on how best to integrate technology and tools to develop and deliver engaging lessons (4Cs and CCSS) are developed teacher leaders for collaboration meetings at the school sites. -
LET - Leading Edge Team
Preparing students for the 21st century is a comon goal of all schools and the implementation of CCSS and leading edge technologies continue throughout the next years.
To celebrate the new year, the district introduces an exciting opportunity for all! LET - Leading Edge Team - which is made up of tech savvy staff, students, IT and community members who bring ideas on the latest, greatest and must haves to the district and school teams to consider! -
2016 - 2020 and Beyond
Work with IT, district, school teams, student, and the learning community to find the best practices/strategies, lessons and applications with local partners like Yahoo, Google, etc. Update classroom tools like interactive whiteboards, LCD projectors, scanners, etc. Work with videos, film and digital media and bring those technologies into the classroom for students. Find electronic textbooks that can be used on various devices including cell phones and that support various languages too. -
2017 - 2020 and Beyond
Stay ahead of industry standards and advances in technology by taking advantage of our neighbors in Silicon Valley. Develop partnerships that allow for collaboration between our teams and those who are developing the "best new thing on the planet!" -
2018 - 2020
Work collaboratively with our feeder districts to ensure that students, parents, guardians and their school teams are also using the leading edge technologies, applications and are developing engaging lessons that prepare students for high school and beyond (College and Career). -
2019 - 2020 / Update and Innovate
Continue to update technology throughout the district and schools while encouraging innovation in the classroom and communities. Foster mutually beneficial relationships with companies that are developing technologies and applications that are students will use for college and career. -
2020 Vision - Back To The Future
As the year 2020 approaches, evaluate the goals, activities, and accomplishments from the original 2020 Techology Vision for Future High School!