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Extracurriculars for 2019

  • Period: to

    Volunteer work with REFUGE Student Ministries

    I will continue to provide my services at REFUGE Student Ministires as a small group & Worship leader. This will provide me with soft skills as well as volunteer experience for my CV. This opportunity will also provide me with experience with adolescents.
  • Period: to

    Work as PTC for AK Child & Family

    I will continue to work with AK Child & Family to gain valuable professional work experience as well as money for graduate school.
  • PSY CHI Membership

    PSY CHI Membership
    I will apply and become a member for PSY CHI to bolster the "membership" portion of my CV and thus make my application more competitive.
  • WPA Convention

    WPA Convention
    I will attend the WPA convention to network with other psychologists and to further my knowledge in today's research.
  • APS Membership

    APS Membership
    I will become a student affiliate for APS to continue to network and strengthen the "membership" portion of my application. This will also give me access to tools and materials for research pursuits.
  • UAA Research Assistant

    UAA Research Assistant
    I will become a research assistant with one of UAA's psychology faculty to gain valuable research experience and a potential letter of recommendation writer. These will further my chances in applying for the graduate program I wish to apply to.