
2012 of Last Year

  • SOPA

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    This was the largest ever online protest. It protest the Stop Online Piracy Act which would effectivly censor the internet.
  • Diamond Jubilee

    Diamond Jubilee
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    It celebrated the 60 years of Queen Elizbeth the second rein on the throne. This was a time of celebration inwhich i was like a giant festival.
  • Challenger Deep

    Challenger Deep
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    The deepest point on the Earth is visited for the first time in 50 years. The person who visited it was James Cameron a famous canadian movie director. The trip did have one minor misshap of the hydrolics not working properly.
  • North Korea Missle launch

    North Korea Missle launch
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    North Korea launches a missle but it fails and explodes in the air. This was said to be test for a missle to send a satellite into space but was seen as banned testing of long range missles by others.
  • Comercial SpaceX Docks with ISS

    Comercial SpaceX Docks with ISS
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    SpaceX a comercial space program uses it's Dragon spacecraft to dock with the ISS to delevier supplies for its first time. This is huge becuase they will no longer need to use shuttles to ship supplies to the space station.
  • Civil War in Syria

    Civil War in Syria
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    Civil War in Syria is official announced by the UN. Althoough fighting in Syria was already going on it was not official called a civil war till then.
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
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    The Olympics are held in london which is the only city to host the olypics twice in the modern era. The opening was like most of the other olympics it was spectaular event. The opening was a account of the british history.
  • Curiosty broadcastiong a human voice

    Curiosty broadcastiong a human voice
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    The first ever human voice broadcasting that was on another planet. The voice was broadcasted form the mars rover Curiosty which is on a two year misson to search for water and possible life.
  • Element 113 creation confirmed

    Element 113 creation confirmed
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    Japan has finally proven the the creation of element 113 in a 2005 expirement so they get they credit for discovery. The reason it took this long was they could not prove that they synthesis it.
  • Star wars is purchased by Disney

    Star wars is purchased by Disney
    [Read more ](http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/10/30/disney-buying-tar-wars-maker-lucasfilm-for-405b/)George lucas sold his Star Wars franchise to Disney for around 4.5 billion dollars. Disney is planning to contunie the series on.
  • US Election

    US Election
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    The two canadidtes for election Mitt Romeny and Barrak Obama. This election was one of the most contraversial elections yet.
  • Newtown shooting

    Newtown shooting
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    A man killed elementray school children and shot himself. This event has brought up many conscerns about gun laws and school safety.