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World war I, or the Great War, was centered in Europe but involved many, many countries. It was between the allied forces and Germany/Austria-Hungary. -
NCSS Founded
NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies) is aimed to help the social studies succeed and thrive in schools by showing teachers, parents, students and civilians how important social studies is in being a valuable citizen. -
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Great Depression
This was a time of great hardship worldwide. Jobs were extremely difficult to find and it was a period of great turmoil for millions. -
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Resulting from German humiliation, Adolf Hitler rose to power and took his army to invade many of the European countries. -
Pearl Harbor
This was an attack by the Japanese on the American state of Hawaii. Japan eventually retreated.
Pearl Harbor -
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Korean War
The growing political division between North and South Korea led to an invasion by North Korea. The US contributed and helped South Korea. -
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Civil Rights
This was a period of great civic unrest because black people were still dealing with issues of inequality, segregation and extreme discrimination. -
First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia)
This satellite was a shiny metallic ball. -
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Vietnam War
The Vietnam war was a difficult time because there were so many Americans involved. This was a war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam who was supported by the US. -
First Man in Space (Yuri Gagarin, Russia)
He was the first man in space and also the first to orbit the earth. (Both were done at the same time). -
First Man on Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA)
This was a momentous occasion for the US and the entire world. Neil Armstrong planted an American flag in the ground on the moon. -
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N.C.L.B mandate in schools
The No Child Left Behind act is an act designed to help every student achieve academic success. It is implemented through federal funding and assessments in certain areas. -
World Trade Center Attacks
Hijackers took over three planes, two of which landed in each of the World Trade Center towers, and one which was meant for the Pentagon, crashed in a field. -
This was a scandal involving the President, Richard Nixon, and his staff for their break-in at the Democratic headquarters. Nixon resigned because of this huge issue.