Plankalkul is German for Plan Calculus, the programming language was created by Konrad Zuse. Purpose for the program was that it alloed for the creation of prcedures, and structured data. -
Fortran stands for FORmula TRANslator system, it was created by John Backus and other researchers at IBM. Fortran language dedicated to mathematical calculations. -
MATH-MATIC was created by Charles Katz and was the early programming language for UNIVAC1 and UNIVAC. MATH-MATIC was intended as an improvement over Fotran. -
Lisp stands for LISt Processing, and it was created by Mac Carthy, its use is functional language for listing processing. -
RPG stands for Report Program Generator and it was created by IBM. Query tool extended in a programming language similar to event-driven. -
The acronymCOBAL stands for COmmon Business Oriented Language, and it was developed by a committee, the CODASYL, COnference on DAta SYstems Languages. It purpose was its primary domain business, finance, and adminstrative systems for companies and governments. -
The acronym stands for 'Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code'. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. created the program to enable students at the Darmount College to use computers, it became widespread with personal computers. -
LOGO was created by Fuerzeig, Seymour Papert, and others. Its purpose was aimed to teach programming to children, near Lisp, and based on moving a "turtle" on the screen. -
The acroynm comes from the acronym BCPL, and the "B" stands for Basic. Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. Basic Combined Programming Language by Martin Richards at Cambridge. Successor to CPL, inspired from BASIC, and inspired B which in turn inspired C. -
PASCAL was named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, and the program language was created by Niklaus Wirth, the language was aimed to ease the building of compilers, and to lead teaching by forcing to a structured programming. -
SQL stands for Standard Query Language and it was created by IBM. Language of query for relational databases. -
Derived from BCLP, and the acronym "C" stands for Combined. Designed by Dennis Ritchie to write the code of the Unix operating system, but has become quickly universal thanks to its portability and speed. -
ML stands for Meta Language created by R. Milner, and the functional language inspired by Iswim. Its goal was to proof theorem at the Edimburg University, it was that functions are replaced by pattern models. -
C++ was created in 1981 by Bjarne Stroutstrup, who discovered the object orientation in Simula 67 and wanted to add it to the C language while remaining compatible with it and thus preserving its advantages, including portability between system. -
ADA is named after Ada Byron de Lovelace, and the program was developed for the US Department of Defense. Designed by a committee leaded by Jean Ichbiah -
Python comes from the english TV movie "Monty Python Flying Circus", the programming language was created by Guido Van Rossum. Purpose was for scripting language with dynamic types. -
Visual Basic
Created by Microsoft and it is an improved version of Basic. -
Java was created James Gosling and other programmers at Sun. Running on a virtual machine and so portable, is derived from C with objects. Each class is stored in one file. -
Pascal deviant created by Borland, now supported by Embarcadero. Deveopled by Borland as a rapid application development tool for Windows, and as the successor Borland Pascal. -
First named LiveScript. JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape. Scripting language to embedd procedural code into web pages. May be used to other applications, XML based languages for example. -
PHP stands for Personal Home Pages Hypertext Processor, and it was created by Rasmus Lerdorf. Its use is server-side scripting and web page generator.