1st semester timeline

  • 1400

    Commercial revolution

    Commercial revolution
    The creation of a economic economy based on trade which began in the 11th century
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers the new world

    Columbus discovers the new world
    Columbus set sail from palos Spain with three small ships the Santana Marta,the pinta , and the Nina
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Thesis

    95 Thesis
    Martin Luther posted the 95 thesis on the door of the church at wittenburg. This starts the protestant reformation.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    Elizabeth the l lead the English the Spanish armada.The English won this battle leaving them to have more power.
  • Creation of the edict of the nantes

    Creation of the edict of the nantes
    Signed by king Henry IV of France granted the Calvinist protestants.
  • Thirty years war

    Thirty years war
    fought primary in central Europe between 1618 and 1648
  • English civil war

    English civil war
    A series of armed conflicts and political machinates between parliamentarians and royalists.
  • The enlightenment

    The enlightenment
    Intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas
  • Louis XIV revokes the edict of Nantes

    Louis XIV revokes the edict of Nantes
    Granted the Huguenots the right to practice their religion without persecution from the state
  • Glorious revolution

    Glorious revolution
    Was the overthrow of king james ll of England.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    Was a colonial revolt that took place between 1665 and 1783
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    A period of of far reaching social and political upheaval
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    A meeting of ambassadors of European states chaired by Australian statesman
  • Matthew Perry opening japan to trade

    Matthew Perry opening japan to trade
    led his four ships into the harbor at Tokyo bay