1st quarter pt.2 today in history

  • Oct 9, 1000

    Leif Ericson's Ships reach Vinland

    Leif Ericson's Ships reach Vinland
    Leif Erikson was the first European to set foot in the New World, opening a new land rich with resources for the Vikings to explore.
  • Oct 21, 1096

    Sultan Kilidj Arslan of Nicea defeats 1st Crusaders

    Sultan Kilidj Arslan of Nicea defeats 1st Crusaders
    Kilidj was 16-years-old then
  • Sep 30, 1452

    1st book Published

    1st book Published
    Johann Guttenberg's Bible
    Published in Germany
  • Oct 18, 1469

    Ferdinand and Isabella marry

    Ferdinand and Isabella marry
    Ferdinand of Aragon marries Isabella of Castile in Valladolid, thus beginning a cooperative reign that would unite all the dominions of Spain and elevate the nation to a dominant world power.
  • Oct 2, 1492

    King Henry VII of England invades France

    King Henry VII of England invades France
    The biggest invasion of France since Henry V
  • Oct 4, 1539

    King Henry VIII and Anna of Kleef (cleeves) marry

    King Henry VIII and Anna of Kleef (cleeves) marry
    Anne married Henry at Greenwich on 6 January 1540
  • Mary Queen of Scots Goes on trial

    Mary Queen of Scots Goes on trial
    She goes on trail for Conspiracy against Elizabeth. She was executed.
  • Marie-Antoinette is Beheaded

    Marie-Antoinette is Beheaded
    She was killed as a part of the French Revolution.
  • Great Chicago fire begins

    Great Chicago fire begins
    Nearly 300 persons died; 18,000 buildings were destroyed; 100,000 people (one-third of the city) were homeless
  • Boer War begins in South Africa

    Boer War begins in South Africa
    The South African Boer War begins between the British Empire and the Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State.
  • Henry Ford institutes moving Assembly line

    Henry Ford institutes moving Assembly line
    He made it in Michigan
  • Capone goes to Prison

    Capone goes to Prison
    gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion.
  • The Worst Driver in American History

    The Worst Driver in American History
    a 75-year-old male driver received 10 traffic tickets, drove on the wrong side of the road four times, committed four hit-and-run offenses, and caused six accidents, all within 20 minutes.
  • Two Germanys Unite

    Two Germanys Unite
    After 45 years with Jubilation and a Vow of Peace