Period: Jan 1, 1350 to
The Renaissance
The Renaissance is very important to history because so much went on during this time period. There were many new artists and writers that influenced this time. -
Jan 1, 1418
Prince Henry's school founded
Prince Henry's school was for oceanic navigation. The people that attended learned navigtion, map-making, and science to be qualified to sail down the West of Africa. -
Period: Apr 6, 1453 to May 29, 1453
Fall of Constantinople
important because it signafied the end of the Byzantine Empire -
Period: Jan 1, 1481 to Jan 1, 1566
Peak of the Ottoman Empire
During the peak the Ottoman Empire it expnded to include Eastern Europe. During the peak it was under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent -
Oct 12, 1492
Colombus discovers America
It is important because if he didnt discover it we might not have been here now. -
Oct 15, 1492
Tobacco introduced to Europe
This is im[ortant because this now means that Europe can trade or import Tobacco to their country. -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordasillas
A treaty between Spain and Portugal where they decided to split up all the land in the Americas between them. -
May 1, 1498
Vasco Da Gama finds a water route to the tip of Africa
This was important because he found new people to trade with. While he was there he was able to buy jewels and spices to take with him to Portugal -
Jan 1, 1509
Erasmus' Praise of Folly
This was a very well known piece of writing and was first printed in 1511 -
Jan 1, 1517
Mona Lisa finished
The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. Nearly 6 million people visit it ever year in Paris, France -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
Important becasue it was a list of issues with the Catholic Church -
Sep 20, 1519
Magellan circumnavigated the globe
Jan 1, 1521
Cortez conquers the Aztecs
This was important because Cortez wanted the Aztecs wealth and gold and that is why he conquered the Aztecs -
Jan 1, 1526
Start of the Mughal Empire
The Mughal empire spread Islam to India, they also contrubuted to architechture by building the Taj Mahal. -
Jun 26, 1541
Pissarro conqueror's the Incas
Pissarro conquered them to try to get them to convert to Christianity and he wanted their gold. -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus' Helicentric theory publishsed
He though the earth was sun centered, but at that time it was rejected because it went agaisnt what was taught by the Catholic Church -
Jan 1, 1545
Council of Trent
It helped determine the outcome of the Counter- refermation. -
Defeat of the Spanish Aramada
They are defeated by an English Naval force under the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Frances Drake. -
Period: to
Discartes' Dicourse on Method
It is important because it helped the development of natural sciences. -
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
This was the Tradegdy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. It was mainly based on events that happened in Roman history. -
Galileo's first telescope
He was the first person to turn the telescope to the night sky which started modern investigations for new stars and planets. -
Wiliam Harey discovered circulation of blood
This helps doctocs and scientists discover more about how the human body works. -
Period: to
30 Years War
Began when Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II of Bohemia attempted to curtail the religious activities of his subjects, sparking rebellion among Protestants. -
Taj Mahal built
It was built because the emperor Shah Jahan wanted it in memory of his wife. -
Newton's Laws of Gravity
These laws helped scientists today figure out more abou how gravity works. -
Anglican Church started
Also known as the Church of England it spread Christianity