Spanish Independence War
It was a military conflict between Spain and France. It was produced because French people wanted to install Jose Bonaparte (Napoleon's brother) as king of Spain. This war finished in 1814. -
Reign of Fernando VII
It was divided in three periods: Absolutist Six-year Term (1814-1820); Liberal Triennium (1820-1823); and Awful Decade (1823-1833). The reign of Fernando VII finished when he died in 1833. -
The reign of Isabel II
Isabel II´s reign is divided in two great stages: the minority of age (1833-1843) during which its mother Maria Cristina de Borbon assumed the regency that later will assumed the general Baldomero Espartero; and the effective reign, that begins with the declaration by the Cortes in 1843 of its majority of age.
Throughout his reign the configuration of the Liberal State in Spain took place. -
First Spanish Republic
This short period was marked by three conflicts: the Third Carlista War; the cantonal mutiny; and the Ten Year War in Cuba. The First Spanish Republic finished in 1874. -
Bourbon Restoration
Political stage which was developed under a monarchic system that was stended between the years 1874 and 1931. Its name refers to the retrieval of the Spanish throne by the House of Bourbon.